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Titre Suor ou Ladeira do Pelourinho, nº 68 : uma poética da exclusão
Auteur Betina Ribeiro Rodrigues da Cunha
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro No 10, 2014 Le Brésil de Jorge Amado: perspectives interculturelles
Rubrique / Thématique
Résumé anglais Suor or Sweat, is the third book of a still young, Jorge Amado. It was written in 1934, when the writer was 22 years old. However, the novel already outlines issues, social types and concerns that will be a motto for all literary, political production and adherence to the ideology of communism and its principles. The narrative is fragmented, which resembles a succession of themes and stories gathered by a single address, the Slope of Pelourinho n° 68, a loft with rooms divided to the maximum of promiscuity, oppression and inhuman respect to men. In this daily misery, waste and sweat, there is a polyphonic voice that creates a mixture which underlines excluded sub human characters. Thus, this paper aims to see how Amado, writing about mankind and his real universe, both fictional and idealized (at the age of 16, the writer also lived in one of the houses of the Slope), also drawing a space of interaction in which the exchanges and identities understand mental representations of their differences in individual and social knowledge.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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