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Titre Ficción y crónica anarcobarroca en Impuesto a la carne (2010) de Diamela Eltit
Auteur Mirian Pino
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro No 10, 2014 Le Brésil de Jorge Amado: perspectives interculturelles
Rubrique / Thématique
Résumé anglais The objective of this study is problematize social relationship between Chilean literature and the historical context in which it is inserted. So, I selected the novel of Diamela Eltit, Impuesto a la carne in which your aesthetic project appeals to chilean history on the eve of the 2010 Bicentanary. National identity, national myth and literature are the target of the author who chooses women characters in order to question the three abovementioned stories. This dimension involves a mode of making history ; the neo-Baroque poetry is more palpable strategy that shows the crisis of a culture undergoing the rise of neoliberalism.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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