Titre | Les archives audiovisuelles au Cameroun : Quelles perspectives ? | |
Auteur | Chantal Kamole Moukoko, Joseph Elogo | |
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Revue | Cahiers du numérique |
Numéro | vol. 11, no 3, 2015 Archives audiovisuelles et valorisation du patrimoine à l'ère numérique | |
Page | 151-164 | |
Résumé |
La tenue des colloques sur les cinquantenaires en Afrique sub-saharienne francophone a offert l'occasion tant aux historiens qu'aux politiques de faire appel à la mémoire collective. Au Cameroun notamment, ces rencontres scientifiques réunissant historiens, anthropologues, sociologues et juristes avaient pour but d'évaluer les cinquante années d'indépendance et de réunification des deux Cameroun francophone et anglophone. La restitution fiable de l'histoire de ce pays n'a pas tenu compte du souci de préservation des archives menacées de disparition par l'instabilité des organisations concernées en sus de la volatilité des supports, remettant ainsi en cause le témoignage du souvenir. Pourtant les archives audiovisuelles sur le Cameroun, de par leurs particularités dans la restitution de l'information rétrospective et face au besoin de mémoire, constituent les contreforts de ce passé collectif dont il faudrait entretenir le souvenir commémoratif parmi les peuples et les jeunes générations. Source : Éditeur (via Cairn.info) |
Résumé anglais |
The holding of conferences to celebrate the golden jubilees in sub-Saharan francophone Africa has offered the occasion to historians as well as politicians to recall collective memory. In Cameroon for instance, these scientific conferences gathering historians, anthropologists, sociologists and jurists aimed at evaluating fifty years of independence and reunification of the francophone and the anglophone Cameroons. The reliable restitution of the history of this country did not worry about the preservation of archives which are threatened of disappearance due to the instability of the institutions concerned in addition to the volatility of the media putting in question the testimony of the memory. Yet audiovisual archives on Cameroon because of their specificity in the restitution of retrospective information is faced with the need of memory and constitute the buttress of this common history whose commemorative memory should be preserved within the people and young generations. A field investigation has raised a diagnosis of the devices for the exploitation of audiovisual archives in the organisations in charge of collecting, preserving and storing the works and documents of state and private radio and TV channels. Due to the lack of production devices and to the lack of political will in terms of putting in place a real institution in charge of the organization of the existing devices, the need of memory is satisfied by foreign sources that have preserved on behalf of Cameroonians an important part of their audiovisual memory. The audiovisual heritage at stake would have allowed to materialise through image and sound the testimony of the memory and contribute to better platforms of exchanges and sharing of the history of Cameroon. Source : Éditeur (via Cairn.info) |
Article en ligne | http://www.cairn.info/article.php?ID_ARTICLE=LCN_113_0151 |