Titre | Esquisse d'une histoire négative de l'endophasie [avec une attention presque exclusive pour les productions en langue française consacrées à cette question] | |
Auteur | Gabriel Bergounioux | |
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Revue | Langue française |
Numéro | no 132, décembre 2001 La parole intérieure, sous la direction de Gabriel Bergounioux | |
Page | 3-25 | |
Résumé anglais |
A brief negative history of endophasia concentrating almost exclusively on work in French devoted to this issue Literature today, in its most prominent forms, offers concrete evidence of endophasia. Human sciences first encountered this mode of realized speech in clinical experiments in aphasia, in theories of the unconscious, in semantic research and in studies in child language acquisition. A debate between Egger (1881) and Charcot (1884), the latter supported by Bernard (1885) and Dugas (1896), led to an accepted position which, foregrounding as it did a typology of characters as well as principles of cortical localization, completely abandoned linguistics. During the first half of the twentieth century, Piaget, followed by Vygotski, by dint of new observations revived interest in the question, which was dealt with also within structuralist theory by Jakobson in his notion of code and by Benveniste in his theory of énonciation, separating the linguistic from that which concerns being per se. Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Article en ligne | http://www.persee.fr/doc/lfr_0023-8368_2001_num_132_1_6312 |