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Titre L'observatoire dynamique comme outil d'aide au processus décisionnel appliqué à un système éducatif : Cas du Cameroun
Auteur Fleur Nadine Ndjock
Mir@bel Revue Cahiers du numérique
Numéro vol. 12, no 4, 2016 La visualisation de données
Page 19-38
Résumé L'objectif de cet article est de présenter l'impact d'un outil d'aide à la décision s'appuyant sur la visualisation de l'information. Nous illustrons nos propositions par le système que nous développons : l'Observatoire Dynamique appliqué au Système Éducatif (ODSE) camerounais. Pour cela une démarche descriptive avec des exemples d'application est privilégiée pour mettre en relief l'importance de la visualisation des données dans le processus de prise de décision. Notre réflexion se décline en deux étapes consistant à présenter d'une part le système d'information mis en place pour la visualisation des données comme outil d'aide à la décision et, d'autre part, l'impact de celui-ci dans le processus de prise de décision.
Source : Éditeur (via
Résumé anglais The aim of this paper is to present the impact of a decision support system based on information visualization to assist of the decision. Our system illustrates our proposal: Cameroonian's Dynamic Observatory applied to the Educational System (ODSE). We take it for a descriptive approach with application examples to highlight the importance of data visualization in the process of decision making. Though it is agreed that it is available information that guides the process and choice for solving a decision problem, it is not always easy for the decision maker to perceive, from to be in the mass of information to interpret: How then we highlight relevant indicators from the mass of information? How do we identify relevant information sources and how do we collect the relevant information? These are all issues facing policymakers and it that is also why we offer a tool like ODSE for facilitating data interpretation through synthesize information in form of dashboard. The tool becomes an observatory, and management instrument through which the decision-maker observes, analyzes and orients his decision based on one or more indicators.
Indeed, the result returned in a visual form by ODSE is the result of a long process of collecting and, processing to generate indicators from the mass of data available to the decision maker. Our study relates to rational decision making and the best satisfactory choice presented by Falque and Bougon, guided by the concept of competitive intelligence that provides implementation methodology of a rational process based on the use of information. Conceptually, in order to facilitate the interpretation of indicators and a decision maker to make his decision, we were interested in determining the performance indicators from the targets set in the educational sector by the Document Strategy for Growth and Employment (DSGE), reference document that guides Cameroon's vision to 2035; the statistics produced by various entities including the National Institute of Statistics and the World Bank as well as our experience in the field. Our proposals comes in two steps, by first introducing the information system put in place for data visualization as decision support system, and secondly, the impact of the latter in decision-making
Source : Éditeur (via
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