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Auteur Pierre Guillaume
Mir@bel Revue 20 & 21. Revue d'histoire
Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire
Numéro no 30, avril-juin 1991
Page 32-39
Résumé anglais Tubercolisis and the mountains : the birth of a myth, Pierre Guillaume. The quality of The Magic Mountain, Thomas Mann's great novel, contributed subs- tantially to the idea that sanatoria should be located in the mountains for highest therapeutic efficacy. Mountain establishments never actually provided the majority of tubercolosis treatment centers. The myth took root, in spite of the obvious gap with reality, because of the connection established between the places of care for the wealthy and the mediocrity of the hospitals to which less comfortable patients were admitted. The mountain sanatorium was for many tubercolosis patients an impossible dream, the ideal place to which they could have escaped from the constraints and miseries of public hospitals. Because they were strictly defined medically and socially, the mountain sanatoria were a mirage for many sick people, a theme popularized by a certain type of mass literature.
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