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Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 30, avril-juin 1991 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- JEAN MONNET, LES ÉTATS-UNIS ET LE PLAN FRANÇAIS - Irwin M. Wall p. 3-21 Jean Monnet, The USA and the French Plan, Irwin M. Wall. French Planning Commissioner, then President of the European Coal and Steel Community, leader of an « Action Committee for the United States of Europe », Jean Monnet was at the heart of all the struggles for French economic rebirth and European construction. The article describes his strokes of genius and his negotiation skills. It does not hide his failures, the clearest of which was the aborted project of a European Defense Community.
- L'ARISTOCRATIE DU BARREAU, VIVIER POUR LA RÉPUBLIQUE. LES SECRÉTAIRES DE LA CONFÉRENCE DU STAGE - Gilles Le Béguec p. 22-31 The French Bar aristocracy, a breeding ground for the Republic. The secretaries of the lawyers' training, Gilles Le Béguec. The Paris Bar lawyers' training program, through the yearly groups of its young secretaries, was the privileged locus for the formation of the parliamentary and governmental elite during the Third Republic. The acquisition of oratorical and legal competence, the position obtained in the networks of connections, added to a certain esprit de corps made the training course a real recruiting channel, flexible and effective. It was threatened by the end of the 1930s and even more after the Second World War by changes in politics.
- TUBERCULOSE ET MONTAGNE. NAISSANCE D'UN MYTHE - Pierre Guillaume p. 32-39 Tubercolisis and the mountains : the birth of a myth, Pierre Guillaume. The quality of The Magic Mountain, Thomas Mann's great novel, contributed subs- tantially to the idea that sanatoria should be located in the mountains for highest therapeutic efficacy. Mountain establishments never actually provided the majority of tubercolosis treatment centers. The myth took root, in spite of the obvious gap with reality, because of the connection established between the places of care for the wealthy and the mediocrity of the hospitals to which less comfortable patients were admitted. The mountain sanatorium was for many tubercolosis patients an impossible dream, the ideal place to which they could have escaped from the constraints and miseries of public hospitals. Because they were strictly defined medically and socially, the mountain sanatoria were a mirage for many sick people, a theme popularized by a certain type of mass literature.
- LIMITER LES NAISSANCES. LE CAS DE CONSCIENCE DES CATHOLIQUES FRANÇAIS (1880-1939) - Martine Sevegrand p. 40-54 Limiting births, the French Catholics' case of conscience (1880-1939), Martine Sevegrand. The demands of the Catholic church concerning fecundity and birth control have met with tenacious resistance in France since the 19th century. This does not come only from lay catholics subtracting their conjugal life from the Church's judgment so as to practice birth control, but also from priests careful not to lose their flock. The silence adopted by many confessors in spite of the Roman directives is witness of a deep malaise vis-à-vis the traditional doctrine concerning fecundity and continence. The solemn reaffirmation of that doctrine by a papal encyclical in 1930 only delayed public expression of questions and criticism within the Catholic church.
- RADIO, CULTURE ET DÉMOCRATIE EN FRANCE : UNE AMBITION MORT-NÉE (1944-1949) - Helene Eck p. 55-67 Radio, culture and democracy in France, a still-born ambition (1944-1949), Hélène Eck. At the time of Liberation, the state rapidly took over the function of information, leaving that of culture and entertainment to radio professionals. The national radio thus tried to play the role of an active cultural intermediary, capable of explaining « the great issues of the hour » to a broad audience. The national radio thus became in the beginning of the Fourth Republic a factor of French cultural life. While programming hesitated as to the relative place of high culture and « popular » entertainment, the choices nevertheless privileged authors such as Jean Cocteau who accepted the apprehension of the « mouth of darkness ». Subject to public service constraints and reinforced political control due to the Cold War, the radio did not have total freedom of cultural expression, as shown by the Antonin Artaud censorship case. In spite of everything, the radio did not suspend, in the name of politics, its minimal mission of reporting literary news.
- NOVEMBRE 1956 À PARIS - Jean-Pierre A. Bernard p. 68-81
- MÉMOIRE, MYTHE ET DOXA DE L'ÉTAT EN ALGÉRIE. L'ÉTOILE NORD-AFRICAINE ET LA RELIGION DU « WATAN » - Omar Carlier p. 82-92 Memory, myth and doxa of the state in Algeria. The Etoile Nord-Africaine and the « Watan » religion, Omar Carlier. The Etoile Nord Africaine, Messali Hadj's nationalist movement, has been banned from history since 1962 when the National Liberation Front acceded to power in Algeria. The front has advocated a philosophy of history « in action » and constructed a national religion which excluded the losers. This struggle for memory lost some intensity after the October 1988 events, and since of 1989, the Etoile Nord-Africaine has reappeared in the forefront of the Algerian historical stage.
- POUR UNE HISTOIRE ÉCONOMIQUE OPTIMISTE - Jacques Marseille p. 93-98 A plea for an optimistic economic history, Jacques Marseille. Previously guaranteed a clear first position in the French historiographic landscape, economic history now seems deserted. The author attributes this phenomenon to the gap between the scholars, prisoners of their inheritance, and the changing public opinion, but refuses to give up on economic history. He advocates the renewal of a history which ought to become more accessible and open new fields of study, on the basis of a more optimistic reassessment of some of too readily accepted clichés.
- UNE AUTRE ROSIÈRE À PESSAC - Jean-Pierre RIOUX p. 99-100
- LA FRANCE APRÈS LES RUINES - Danièle Voldman p. 103-104
- LA POPULARITÉ POLITIQUE - Odile Rudelle p. 105-106
- DE GAULLE EN SON SIÈCLE - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 108-110
- VINGTIÈME SIÈCLE signale - p. 111-112
De Gaulle, cuvée 1990
- Nouvelle bibliographie internationale sur Charles de Gaule (1980-1990), établie par l'Institut Charles-de-Gaule - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 113-116
- AZÉMA Jean-Pierre, 1940, l'année terrible - Yves Durand p. 116-117
Deuxième guerre mondiale
- AZÉMA Jean-Pierre, 1940, l'année terrible - Yves Durand p. 116-117
- KEEGAN (John), La deuxième guerre mondiale - Claude Lévy p. 117
- SIMONNOT Philippe, Le secret de l'armistice - Olivier Wieviorka p. 117-118
- CRÉMIEUX-BRILHAC Jean-Louis, Les Français de l'an 40, tome 1, La guerre oui ou non ?, tome2, Ouvriers et soldats - Pierre Laborie p. 118-119
- POLLAK Michael, L'expérience concentrationnaire. Essai sur le maintien de l'identité sociale - Danièle Voldman p. 119-120
- LEWIN Abraham, Journal du ghetto de Varsovie. Une coupe de larmes - Claude Lévy p. 120-121
- MOCH Maurice, MICHEL Alain, L'étoile et la francisque. Les institutions juives sous Vichy - Claude Lévy p. 121-122
- RIGOULOT Pierre, La tragédie des Malgré-nous. Tambov, le camp des Français - Claude Lévy p. 122
- LINDENBERG Daniel, Les années souterraines 1937-1947 - Laurence Bertrand-Dorléac p. 123
- FAVRE Pierre, La manifestation - Marc Lazar p. 123-124
- KESLER Jean-François, De la gauche dissidente au nouveau Parti socialiste. Les minorités qui ont rénové le PS - Christophe Prochasson p. 124-125
- LERNER Henri, Catroux - Daniel Rivet p. 125
- VIDAL-NAQUET Pierre, Face à la raison d'Etat. Un historien dans la guerre d'Algérie - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 125-126
- BÉDARIDA François, La société anglaise du milieu du 19e siècle à nos jours - Anthony Rowley p. 126
- ABBRUZZESE Salvatore, Comunione e liberazione. Identité catholique et disqualication du monde - Jean-Dominique Durand p. 126-127
- BÉDARIDA François, La société anglaise du milieu du 19e siècle à nos jours - Anthony Rowley p. 126
- ABBRUZZESE Salvatore, Comunione e liberazione. Identité catholique et disqualication du monde - Jean-Dominique Durand p. 126-127
- LA SERRE Françoise de, LERUEZ Jacques, WALLACE Helen (dir.), Les politiques étrangères de la France et de la Grande-Bretagne depuis 1945 - Philippe Ratte p. 127-128
Questions internationales
- LA SERRE Françoise de, LERUEZ Jacques, WALLACE Helen (dir.), Les politiques étrangères de la France et de la Grande-Bretagne depuis 1945 - Philippe Ratte p. 127-128
- GAUTHIER Yves, La crise mondiale de 1873 à nos jours - Philippe Mioche p. 128-129
- SIMON BAROUH Ida et TAN PHO Yi, Le Cambodge des Khmers rouges. Chronique de la vie quotidienne. Récit de Yi Tan Kim Pho - Pierre Brocheux p. 129
- Livres reçus - p. 130-133
- ABSTRACTS - p. 135-136