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Auteur Corinne Bouchoux
Mir@bel Revue 20 & 21. Revue d'histoire
Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire
Numéro no 33, janvier-mars 1992
Page 56-64
Résumé anglais The Gabrielle Russier affair, Corinne Bouchoux. In the summer and the fall of 1969, Gabrielle Russier, a professor of literature in a Marseille lycée, was judged and condemned for having had a love affair with one of her students. An emblematic figure and a victim for some, and a seductress and guilty woman for others, the teacher found herself confronted with three institutions that were under going a deep crisis : the family, the school, the judiciary. Beyond a conflict between individuals who wanted to apply 1968 " ideas " and those who defended traditional values, this human interest story revealed some of the contradictions French society was experiencing, at a time when the " events of May " had not yet been overcome.
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