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Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 33, janvier-mars 1992 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- « L'œil de la tempête ». Les États-Unis et le Golfe persique de 1945 à 1990 - Pierre Mélandri p. 3-25 " The eye of the storm ". The United States and the Persian Gulf from 1945 to 1990, Pierre Mélandri. The first crisis of the cold war occurred in 1946 and concerned Iran. As for the first post-cold war confrontation, it pitted a formidable international coalition directed by Washington against Iraq. These two " firsts " faithfully reflect the vital interest America has shown in the Persian Gulf region since the end of the Second world war. But this interest was manifested in doctrines which were not based only on a possible use of force to maintain the Vax americana in the region. The multiplicity of domestic and external parameters, not the least of which has been the Israeli-Arab conflict, demanded delicate diplomacy.
- LES JUIFS D'ÉTAT DANS LES GUERRES FRANCO-FRANÇAISES. DU BOULANGISME AU FRONT POPULAIRE - Pierre Birnbaum p. 26-44 State Jews in Franco-French wars. From Boulangism to the Popular Front, Pierre Birnbaum. The Franco-French war mechanism, i.e. the intense radicalization of political conflict, includes antisemitism as one of its major elements. At such times, " state Jews ", those directly involved in the civic debates and belonging to the circles of power, attract a major part of the passions and hatreds that rent the social body. Alfred Naquet, who attempted the impossible wager of being both Jewish and Boulangiste ; Joseph Reinach, who polarized the antisemitic violence of the Dreyfus affair ; Léon Blum, the first Jewish President of the Council of Ministers : these three emblematic figures illus- trate, in different ways, the central place which antisemitism occupied in the political culture of the adversaries of the model embodied by the Third Republic.
- HOLLYWOOD AU PAYS DES CINÉ-CLUBS (1947-1954) - Emmanuelle Loyer p. 45-55 Hollywood in the French movie clubs, Emmanuelle Loyer. Starting from a precise analysis of Ciné-Club, the magazine of the French federation of movie clubs, it is easy to discern the assumptions of the vigorously anti-American discourse that prevailed in the French movie clubs after Liberation. Hollywood was the " dream factory ", its cinema a frivolous weapon of the cold war. But reverence unto the great American moviemakers, Chaplin, Welles, or Griffth, partly ruined this polemic set of arguments. Many weaknesses in the French cinema were revealed by obstinate debating about the Amercan cinema.
- L'AFFAIRE GABRIELLE RUSSIER - Corinne Bouchoux p. 56-64 The Gabrielle Russier affair, Corinne Bouchoux. In the summer and the fall of 1969, Gabrielle Russier, a professor of literature in a Marseille lycée, was judged and condemned for having had a love affair with one of her students. An emblematic figure and a victim for some, and a seductress and guilty woman for others, the teacher found herself confronted with three institutions that were under going a deep crisis : the family, the school, the judiciary. Beyond a conflict between individuals who wanted to apply 1968 " ideas " and those who defended traditional values, this human interest story revealed some of the contradictions French society was experiencing, at a time when the " events of May " had not yet been overcome.
- LE CONFLIT NATIONAL EN YOUGOSLAVIE - Catherine Lutard p. 65-76 The Yugoslav national conflict, Catherine Lutard. The disappearance of Yugoslavia, the Federation of Southern Slavs warrants a historic positioning of the conflicts among its nationalities. Tito had promoted a federalism which did not resist the collapse of socialism : during the 1980s, a national crisis settled in against a background of economic and social troubles, today, one can only be pessimistic about the future of the Yugoslav federation.
- L'ÉPURATION EN FRANCE : UNE HISTOIRE INACHEVÉE - Henry Rousso p. 78-105 Epuration in France : an uncompleted story, Henry Rousso. In spite of the many works devoted to the postwar " purge ", the subject deserves a new reading : the sources previously used to draw up the record, especially for the legal épuration, seem to have underestimated its scope. This provides an apportunity to reconsider the functions and stakes of the épuration, in the light of the collapse of the communist System and the dilemmas of all transitions to a democratic regime.
- L'ÉPURATION ADMINISTRATIVE EN France APRÈS LA LIBÉRATION. UNE ANALYSE STATISTIQUE ET GÉOGRAPHIQUE - François Rouquet p. 106-117 The administrative épuration in France after the Liberation. A statistical and geographical analysis, François Rouquet. Statistics concerning the administrative purge have been underestimated. The number of civil servants then purged probably cornes closer to twice the figure generally given. But the analysis of this purge which concerned the very heart of the State remains delicate because of the many parameters to be taken into account, i.e. the local and regional factor which reveals many geographical disparities.
- UNE AFFAIRE ORDINAIRE : LE CAS A. - François Rouquet p. 118-126 An ordinary case of épuration : the A. affair, François Rouquet. A banal affair, that of a postal civil servant transferred for having " collaborated ", illustrates, through the use of discourse analysis, the average French man's imagination at the time of Liberation, an essential factor for the understanding of how purging worked at the lower levels.
- LE FAIT COLONIAL ET NOUS. HISTOIRE D'UN ÉLOIGNEMENT - Daniel Rivet p. 127-138 The colonial issue and us : a history of distantiation, Daniel Rivel. The colonial issue is no longer exciting and its study no longer occupies a major place in the field of knowledge. The time has therefore come to resume the dialogue, to restate the problematics, far from any commemoration or execration.
- VINGTIÈME SIÈCLE signale - p. 139-140
- HIRSCHMAN Albert O., Deux siècles de rhétorique réactionnaire - Henry Rousso p. 141-143
- DAHRENDORF Ralf, Réflexions sur la Révolution en Europe, 1989-1990 - Étienne François p. 143-144
- DAHRENDORF Ralf, Réflexions sur la Révolution en Europe, 1989-1990 - Étienne François p. 143-144
- Six manières être européen, essais réunis par Dominique Schnapper et Henri Mendras - Étienne François p. 144-145
- NOIRIEL Gérard, La tyrannie du national. Le droit d'asile en Europe, 1793-1993 - Philippe Burrin p. 145
- CORNI Gustavo, L.a politica agraria del nazionalsocialismo 1930-1939 - Philippe Burrin p. 145-146
- BRUNETTA Gian Piero, GILI Jean A., L'ora d'Africa del cinema italiano 1911-1989. GILI Jean A., Le cinéma italien à l'ombre des faisceaux (1922-1945) - Rémy Pithon p. 146-147
- GOLDRING Maurice, Belfast. From loyalty to rebellion - Jacques Leruez p. 147-148
- Les échos de la mémoire. Tabous et enseignement de la Seconde Guerre mondiale - Claude Lévy p. 148-149
- CORNICK Martyn (ed.), Beliefs and identity in modern France. RAVITCH Norman, The catholic Church and the French nation, 1589-1989 - Étienne Fouilloux p. 149-150
Religion et tradition
- CORNICK Martyn (ed.), Beliefs and identity in modern France. RAVITCH Norman, The catholic Church and the French nation, 1589-1989 - Étienne Fouilloux p. 149-150
- CHOLVY Gérard, La religion en France de la fin du 18e à nos jours - Yvon Tranvouez p. 150
- ROGERS Susan Carol, Shaping modern times rural France. The transformation and re production of an Aveyronnais community - Annie Moulin p. 150-151
- BERNARD Jean-Pierre A., Paris rouge, 1944-1964. Les communistes français dans la capitale - Marc Lazar p. 151-152
France politique
- BERNARD Jean-Pierre A., Paris rouge, 1944-1964. Les communistes français dans la capitale - Marc Lazar p. 151-152
- HASTINGS Michel, Halluin la rouge, 1919-1939. Aspects d'un communisme identitaire. MOLINARI Jean-Paul, Les ouvriers communistes. Sociologie de l'adhésion ouvrière au PCF - Philippe Buton p. 152-153
- BRUNET Jean-Paul, La police de l'ombre. Indicateurs et provocateurs dans la France contemporaine - Henry Rousso p. 153
- MEULEAU Marc, Des pionniers en Extrême-Orient. Histoire de la banque de l'Indochine (1875-1975) - Hubert Bonin p. 153-155
France du capital
- BRUNET Jean-Paul, La police de l'ombre. Indicateurs et provocateurs dans la France contemporaine - Henry Rousso p. 153
- MEULEAU Marc, Des pionniers en Extrême-Orient. Histoire de la banque de l'Indochine (1875-1975) - Hubert Bonin p. 153-155
- CHAPMAN Herrick, State capitalism and working-class.Radicalism in the French aircraft industry - Alain Beltran p. 155-156
- BAUBY Pierre, L'Etat-stratège. Le retour de l'Etat - Alain Beltran p. 156
France coloniale
- COLOMBANI Olivier, Mémoires coloniales. La fin de l'Empire français d'Afrique vue par les administrateurs coloniaux - Charles-Robert Ageron p. 157
- BOKOV Lenka, La confrontation franco-syrienne à l'époque du mandat, 1925-1927 - Daniel Rivet p. 157-158
- STORA Benjamin, Histoire de l'Algérie coloniale, 1830-1954 - Daniel Rivet p. 158-159
- SINDING Christiane, Le clinicien et le chercheur, Des grandes maladies de carence la médecine moléculaire (1880-1980) - Pierre Guillaume p. 159
- Livres reçus - p. 160-162
- ABSTRACTS - p. 163-164