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Auteur Maurice VAÏSSE
Mir@bel Revue 20 & 21. Revue d'histoire
Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire
Numéro no 36, octobre-décembre 1992
Page 21-30
Résumé anglais France's nuclear choice (1945-1958), Maurice Vaïsse. France did not wait for the Fifth Republic to become interested in the atomic bomb. The original features of France's atomic choice depended on both domestic factors (scientific, economic, military, political) and external ones France's atomic choice was based more on competition among allies than on enemy threat. It followed the vicissitudes of European construction and felt the weight of the cold war. The decision became clearer after the Suez affair and its consequences on international relations. But the Fourth Republic wanted to pursue simultaneously European construction, Franco-German reconciliation, French Algeria and the bomb. These were the contradictions that De Gaulle's access to power resolved ; a green light was then given to the production of the nuclear weapon.
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