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Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire ![]() Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 36, octobre-décembre 1992 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- DARLAN, UN AMIRAL ENTRE DEUX BLOCS. RÉFLEXIONS SUR UNE BIOGRAPHIE RÉCENTE - Robert 0. PAXTON p. 3-20 Darlan, an admiral between two blocks. Reflections on a recent biography, Robert O. Vaxton. Although the recent biography of Darlan by H. Coutau-Bégarie and C. Huan (Fayard, 1989) is based on substantial documentation, it is not convincing either on the supposed " double game " of Vichy, or on the idea that there is a " respectable " Vichy (that of Pétain and Darlan) and a " bad Vichy " (that of Laval). While the thesis of the neutralist strategy that Darlan is said to have implemented between the two blocks, the German and the Anglo-Saxon ones, is arresting and while the taking into account of Darlan's personality represents a major contribution, the lack of knowledge of the German, English and American archives and above ail the distorsion between the documents presented and the commentary removes much credibility from this work.
- LE CHOIX ATOMIQUE DE LA FRANCE (1945-1958) - Maurice VAÏSSE p. 21-30 France's nuclear choice (1945-1958), Maurice Vaïsse. France did not wait for the Fifth Republic to become interested in the atomic bomb. The original features of France's atomic choice depended on both domestic factors (scientific, economic, military, political) and external ones France's atomic choice was based more on competition among allies than on enemy threat. It followed the vicissitudes of European construction and felt the weight of the cold war. The decision became clearer after the Suez affair and its consequences on international relations. But the Fourth Republic wanted to pursue simultaneously European construction, Franco-German reconciliation, French Algeria and the bomb. These were the contradictions that De Gaulle's access to power resolved ; a green light was then given to the production of the nuclear weapon.
- L'ANTI-INTELLECTUALISME DANS LA CULTURE POLITIQUE FRANÇAISE - Pascal Balmand p. 31-42 Anti-intellectualism in French political culture, Pascal Balmand. Why would a professor of Tibetan be entitled to lecture and govern his equals ? In the midst of the Dreyfus affair, Brunetière, thus launched French anti-intellectualism, which was to have a long life in store, especially during crises. The article details the anti-intellectualism of the left and the far right, over a century and considers the causes of its virtual disappearance at present.
- LE FESTIVAL SIGMA DE BORDEAUX (1965-1990) - Françoise Taliano-des Garets p. 43-52 The Sigma festival of Bordeaux (1965-1990), Françoise Taliano-des Garets. On its creation in 1965, Sigma was a protest festival which welcomed avant-garde theater and music. Intended to shock the Bordeaux bourgeois, this yearly manifestation was also an instrument of the Bordeaux municipality's cultural policy. The rise of its mayor, Jacques Chaban-Delmas, to the position of Prime Minister, helped the festival to secure its audience and its financial solidity, but it was also the beginning of its decline. The Sigma case raises the problem of the ageing of an avant-garde festival in a municipal stronghold whose most important official was understood that culture could serve his national political image.
- LE RETOUR DE L'HISTOIRE EN EUROPE CENTRALE - Jacques RUPNIK p. 53-60 The return of history in Central Europe, Jacques Kupnik. Revolution or restoration ? The fall of communism raises the question of the relationship that the peoples of Central Europe in their search for guidelines and their identity, have with their history. But in this race for symbols and the reappropriation of the past, many tensions illustrate the temptation to use a partial vision of history to legitimize a partial present. Faced with a strong social demand, historians have their hands full to help doubting societies to claim their past.
- À LA POURSUITE DE L'HISTOIRE EN ROUMANIE DEPUIS 1989 - Catherine Durandin p. 61-70 Searching for history in Romania since 1989, Catherine Durandin. Wast Romanian-style communism a mere glaciation of history ? Does the post-1989 return of the past prepare for pluralist democracy ? There is in Romania a mixture of fever and grief which does not allow simple answers to these questions. National-communist history remains present in that country where " Romanity " was presented as the model of socialism, where collective identity shies away from choosing between yesterday and the day before, where patriotic democrats still oppose national conservatives.
- RUPTURES ET CONTINUITÉS DE LA MÉMOIRE TCHÈQUE - Antoine Mares p. 71-80 Ruptures and continuities of Czeh memory, Antoine Marès. Depending on political balances of power and the worries of the moment, Czech national memory has wavered between highly different anchoring points. The analysis of the communist Czechoslovak historiographie production is witness to that practice of a selective reading of the past and of its many-sided perverse effects in terms of collective identity. It is essential for the Czechs that all of their history be integrated into their common heritage.
- UN RETOUR À QUELLE TRADITION ? - Pierre Kende p. 81-88 A return to which tradition ?, Pierre Rende. After the collapse of communism, the question of political and socio-cultural models is posed with particular intensity in Central Europe, especially by a tendency to " return to the past " which feeds the process of transition with the references it needs. But one must not be led astray : because traditions prior to communism are diverse — and often antagonistic —, because the mechanisms of tradition transmission are often lacking, and because the communist years inevitably belong to a past that weighs on the present, the national culture of the former USSR satellites can only be reconstructed by trial and error.
- LA PREMIÈRE PHASE DE VATICAN II (1962) - Étienne Fouilloux p. 89-90
- LA PREMIÈRE PHASE DE VATICAN II (1962) - Étienne Fouilloux p. 89-90
- VINGTIÈME SIÈCLE signale - p. 95-96
- HOLLANDER Paul; Anti-Americanism at home and abroad, 1965-1990 - Jacques Portes p. 97-98
- LACROIX Jean-Michel, CAZEMAJOU Jean (dir.), La guerre du Vietnam et l'opinion publique américaine (1961-1973) - David L. Schalk p. 98-99
- MUSCIO Giuliana, La Casa Bianca e le sette majors. Cinema e mass media negli anni del New Deal - Rémy Pithon p. 99-100
- NOUAILHAT Yves-Henri, Le Québec de 1944 à nos jours. Un destin incertain - Pierre Guillaume p. 100-101
- HOLLANDER Paul; Anti-Americanism at home and abroad, 1965-1990 - Jacques Portes p. 97-98
- NOUAILHAT Yves-Henri, Le Québec de 1944 à nos jours. Un destin incertain - Pierre Guillaume p. 100-101
- LAVAUD Jean-Pierre, L'instabilité politique de l'Amérique latine. Le cas de la Bolivie - Annick Lempérière-Roussin p. 101-103
- CAYRAC-BLANCHARD Françoise, L'armée et le pouvoir en Indonésie - Jean-Louis Margolin p. 103
- RUMlYA Jean, Le Rwanda sous le régime du mandat belge (1916-1931) - Denise Bouche p. 103-104
- Des Français au Maroc. La présence et la mémoire (1912-1956) - Denise Bouche p. 104
- BELLER Steven, Vienne et les juif, 1867-1938 - Michel Trebitsch p. 104-105
- NOUAILHAT Yves-Henri, Le Québec de 1944 à nos jours. Un destin incertain - Pierre Guillaume p. 100-101
- Des Français au Maroc. La présence et la mémoire (1912-1956) - Denise Bouche p. 104
- BELLER Steven, Vienne et les juif, 1867-1938 - Michel Trebitsch p. 104-105
- LACROIX-RIZ Annie, L'économie suédoise, entre l'Est et l'Ouest, 1944-1949 - Gérard Bossuat p. 105-106
- FEJTÖ François (avec la collaboration Ewa Kulesza-Mietkowski), La fin des démocraties populaires. Les chemins du post-communisme - Elisabeth Kulakowska p. 106-107
- GARDE Paul, Vie et mort de la Yougoslavie - Catherine Lutard p. 107
- HOGGART Richard, 33 Newport Street. Autobiographie d'un intellectuel issu des classes populaires anglaises - Christophe Prochasson p. 107-108
- Des Français au Maroc. La présence et la mémoire (1912-1956) - Denise Bouche p. 104
- GARDE Paul, Vie et mort de la Yougoslavie - Catherine Lutard p. 107
- HOGGART Richard, 33 Newport Street. Autobiographie d'un intellectuel issu des classes populaires anglaises - Christophe Prochasson p. 107-108
- LERUEZ Jacques, Le phénomène Thatcher - Benoît Pellistrandi p. 108-110
- MARX Roland, Eamon de Valera. RAFROIDI Patrick, JOANNON Pierre, GOLDRING Maurice (dir.), Dublin, 1904-1924 ; réveil culturel, révolte sociale, révolution politique: un patriotisme déchiré - David Harkness p. 110-111
- GARDE Paul, Vie et mort de la Yougoslavie - Catherine Lutard p. 107
- FILLAUT Thierry, Les Bretons et l'alcoolisme (19e-20e siècle) - Pierre Guillaume p. 112
- SCHOR Ralph, L'antisémitisme en France pendant les années trente - Anne-Marie Duranton-Crabol p. 112-115
- SCHÖTTLER Peter, Lucie Varga. Les autorités invisibles. Une historienne autrichienne aux Annales dans les années trente - Martine Aurell p. 113-114
- FISHMAN Sarah, We will wait. Wifes of French prisoners of war 1940-1945 - Yves Durand p. 114
- GAY-LESCOT Jean-Louis, Sport et éducation sous Vichy, 1940-1944 - Olivier Wieviorka p. 115
- ROTMAN Patrick, TAVERNIER Bertrand, La guerre sans nom. Les appelés d'Algérie (1954-1962) . STORA Benjamin, Ils venaient d'Algérie. L'immigration algérienne en France (1912-1992) - Guy Pervillé p. 116
- REY Henri, SUBILEAU Françoise, Les militants socialistes à l'épreuve du pouvoir - Jean-Paul Brunet p. 116-117
- GARCIA Patrick, LÉVY Jacques, MATTEI Marie-Flore, Révolutions, fin et suite. Les mutations du changement social et de ses représentations saisies à travers l'image de la Révolution française et les pratiques du bicentenaire - Nicolas Roussellier p. 117-118
- FILLAUT Thierry, Les Bretons et l'alcoolisme (19e-20e siècle) - Pierre Guillaume p. 112
- Livres reçus - p. 119-121
- DROIT DE RÉPONSE - François-Georges Dreyfus p. 122
- ABSTRACTS - p. 123-124
- INDEX DES AUTEURS. Années 1991-1992 (numéros 31 à 36) - p. 4