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Auteur Jean-Louis Loubet
Mir@bel Revue 20 & 21. Revue d'histoire
Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire
Numéro no 57, janvier-mars 1998
Page 45-56
Résumé anglais Citroën and Innovation (1915-1996), Jean-Louis Loubet. From its inception, Citroën made industrial innovation one of the centerpie- ces of its strategy. Its beginnings were marked by the introduction and then the development of OST (scientific organization of work) and Ford factory-inspired techniques in car manufacturing in France. The 1930s crisis, which hit the company very hard, led to a deep questioning of those techniques and to the possibility of creating a less rigid productive system better adapted to a tight market. And while Reconstruction scrambled the cards by making Ford techniques the one and only way for car manufacturing. Citroën continued, during the years of growth and even more with the crisis of the 1980s, to look for an alternative.
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