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Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire ![]() Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 57, janvier-mars 1998 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- LES ÉTATS-UNIS À LA CONQUÊTE DE LA LUNE - Jean-Marc Trochon p. 3-18 The United States and the Conquest of the Moon, Jean-Marc Trochon. In 1961, President Kennedy asserted that an American would set foot on the moon by 1970. The goal was far from being scientific only. At the heart of the cold war, it was a question of a technological challenge to show the United States' power. The implications were as much technical and scientific as political and economic. By walking on the moon on July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong guaranteed American success. However, the development of the moon program was complex and marked by many technical problems to which were added financial and political difficulties. Apollo was not unanimously supported in the United States and it was hotly debated. Many facts remain to be discovered about this major event in the history of humanity.
- LES ÉTATS-UNIS ET LE MEXIQUE. UNE ALLIANCE ORAGEUSE - Isabelle Vagnoux p. 19-35 The United States and Mexico: a stormy alliance, Isabelle Vagnoux. Ever since the Mexican-American War of 1846-1848 and the ensuing Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the relationships between Mexico and the United States have been marked by constant tensions, anti-American feelings, racist prejudices and conflicts of all kinds. Yet, geographically close though psychologically distant neighbors, the two countries have become increasingly interdependent over the years. With the implementation of NAFTA in 1994, this interdependence has reached a climax. As was made clear by the peso crisis of December 1994, Washington cannot remain indifferent to Mexico's woes, and in turn, Mexico is regularly affected by US decisions. This study focuses on the main issues that have kept dividing and at the same time uniting the two countries since 1945, i.e. economic relations, immigration, drug trafficking and foreign policy.
- LES DÉCADES DE PONTIGNY (1910-1939) - François Chaubet p. 36-44 The Decades of Pontigny (1910-1939), François Chaubet. In 1910, during a time in which international scientific meetings were in great fashion, the Decades of Pontigny reflected on the role of intellectuals in a mass democratic society. These periodic residential meetings of intellectuals held in a remote place were inspired by several models of sociability and brought together a relatively big number of people, considering the subjects taken up. After the first World War, they played a non-negligible role in the European intellectual community, or at least in a Franco-German rapprochement. In the 1930s, they led to a critical reflection on totalitarian regimes.
- CITROËN ET L'INNOVATION (1915-1996) - Jean-Louis Loubet p. 45-56 Citroën and Innovation (1915-1996), Jean-Louis Loubet. From its inception, Citroën made industrial innovation one of the centerpie- ces of its strategy. Its beginnings were marked by the introduction and then the development of OST (scientific organization of work) and Ford factory-inspired techniques in car manufacturing in France. The 1930s crisis, which hit the company very hard, led to a deep questioning of those techniques and to the possibility of creating a less rigid productive system better adapted to a tight market. And while Reconstruction scrambled the cards by making Ford techniques the one and only way for car manufacturing. Citroën continued, during the years of growth and even more with the crisis of the 1980s, to look for an alternative.
- LE RÉVEIL DES CATHOLIQUES BRETONS (1924-1926) - David Bensoussan p. 57-75 The Awakeningof Breton Catholics (1924-1926), David Bensoussan. The victory of the Cartel of the Left and the possibility of a new anti-clerical offensive provoked the consternation of the Breton Catholic world. Rapidly mobilized, the conservative forces and the clergy organized resistance. The Catholic protest produced big popular demonstrations showing the persistence of a political culture deeply hostile to the republican model. This mobilization around the defense of Catholic school did not, however, preclude strains within the Breton Catholic world, torn between conservative forces led by the old guard and a strong democrat-Christian minority, more open to political modernity.
- LES ÉLÈVES JUIFS ET L'ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE (1940-1943). LA RECONQUÊTE D'UNE IDENTITÉ - Vincent Guigueno p. 76-88 Jewish Students at the Polytechnique School (1940-1943). The Recovery of an identity, Vincent Guigueno. In the fall of 1940, the Polytechnique School was evacuated to the south zone and lost its military status. A new organization redefined the school's mission and what would happen to the Jewish candidates accepted before and during the war. The development of the school during the war shows a contradiction between the life of and at the school, its history, and the cyclical repetition of its studies, and the life grasped in the daily understanding of the facts and of the memory of recent events, private or public: acceptance at the school, the war, and Vichy.
- LE THÉÂTRE NATIONAL POPULAIRE AU TEMPS DE JEAN VILAR (1951-1963) - Emmanuelle Loyer p. 89-103 National Popular Theater at the time of Jean Vilar (1951-1963), Emmanuelle Loyer. Following a long tradition going back to the French revolution, Jean Vilar's national theater was dedicated to service to the people. He carried out an effective policy to attract the people and renewed the classic repertory in an original way. For him the theater was an explicit form of commitment to the left. This gave him an incontestable success, especially as in France the theater traditionally represents a political and social stake. Conceived as a public service, the TNP knit close ties with the State, considering that it had duties toward its citizens' culture. For Jean Vilar, the theater belonged to the life of a human being; it was as vital as living and eating. But of the role of who decided which culture was the right one were born the ambiguities and difficulties of a form of theater denounced in 1968.
- ARMÉE ET JUSTICE EN GUERRE D'ALGÉRIE - Sylvie Thénault p. 104-114 Army and Justice in the Algerian War, Sylvie Thénault. The Algerian war brought about an unprecedented transfer of jurisdiction from civil towards military justice, allowing military courts to judge thousands of accused people. Under general de Gaulle, the army's judicial power was strengthened with the institution of military prosecu- tors. One of their official missions was to keep an eye on what was going on in the army. But without a strong determination and means of action, these conscripted judges failed to stop the army's illegal practices and their history confirmed the subordination of justice to the "necessities" of the fight against the "subversive war."
- L'HISTOIRE CULTURELLE : PROGRAMME DE RECHERCHE OU GRAND CHANTIER ? - Philippe Urfalino p. 115-120 Cultural History: Research Program or Work in Progress? Philippe Urfalino. In this critical study of a recent collective work directed by Jean-Pierre Rioux and Jean-François Sirinelli, Philippe Urfalino wonders : Is "cultural" history a field or a look ? A very unanimistic history of collective representations, or on the other hand, more simply, proof that the historian's questioning has ope- ned up more? Neither quasi constituted history nor just a new work site : the discussion is open.
- DE LA DEMEURE À L'AGORA. POUR UNE HISTOIRE CULTURELLE DU POLITIQUE - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 121-131 From Home to Public Place. For a Cultural History of Politics, Jean-François Sirinelli. Formerly, Michel Vovelle gave the historian permission to go from the basement of social and economic exchange to the attic of "mental operations of reality scanning". Jean-François Sirinelli suggests that the historian go, just as faithfully, just as privately, from home to the public place. In other words, that the political history of the contemporary, having exhausted reviviscence, should record the expansion of cultural history to go forward, dismissing frontiers.
- LES RECONSTRUCTIONS EN EUROPE - Michel-Pierre Chélini p. 135-138
- VOIR ET SAVOIR : IMAGES DU TEMPS PRÉSENT À LA TÉLÉVISION (1949-1964) - Agnès Chauveau p. 138-140
- LES AMÉRICAINS ET LA FRANCE (1917-1947) - Jean-François Boulanger p. 140-142
- RÉSISTER EN EUROPE DU SUD - Jean-Louis Laubry p. 143-146
- LA MÉMOIRE DE LA BATAILLE DE VERDUN DANS LE CINÉMA - François de la Bretèque p. 148-150
- À PROPOS DE MICHAEL COLLINS - Cécile Hochard, Simon Kitson p. 150-153
- L'ART DE L'INGÉNIEUR - Gérard Monnier p. 153-155
- LE FESTIVAL DE CANNES EN CD-ROM - Jean-Marc Dreyfus p. 155-157
- UN CD-ROM SUR LA RÉSISTANCE EN FRANCE - Jean-Marc Dreyfus p. 157-158
- L'HISTOIRE DU GHETTO DE VARSOVIE EN CD-ROM - Jean-Philippe Legois p. 158-159
- LA MÉMOIRE DE LA BATAILLE DE VERDUN DANS LE CINÉMA - François de la Bretèque p. 148-150
- VINGTIÈME SIÈCLE signale - p. 160-162
- Cercle d'amis et gouvernement de l'union soviétique - Yves Cohen p. 163-166
- ROUSSELLIER Nicolas, Le Parlement de l'éloquence. La souveraineté de la délibération au lendemain de la Grande Guerre - René Rémond p. 166-167
- Cercle d'amis et gouvernement de l'union soviétique - Yves Cohen p. 163-166
- ROUSSELLIER Nicolas, Le Parlement de l'éloquence. La souveraineté de la délibération au lendemain de la Grande Guerre - René Rémond p. 166-167
- PELLETIER Denis, Économie et Humanisme. De l'utopie communautaire au combat pour le Tiers Monde (1941-1966) - René Rémond p. 167-168
- GUÉRIN Christian,L'utopie Scouts de France - Alain-René Michel p. 168-169
- GIOLITTO Pierre, Histoire de la Milice - Claude Lévy p. 169-170
- LASSUS SAINT GENIÈS Raymond de, Si l'écho de leurs voix faiblit... - Laurent Douzou p. 170
- LACHAISE Bernard, Le gaullisme dans le Sud-Ouest au temps du RPF - Éric Duhamel p. 170-171
- PIERRARD Pierre, Georges Guérin. Une vie pour la JOC - Alain-René Michel p. 171-172
- CHARBONNEL Jean,À la gauche du Général - Bernard Lachaise p. 172
- KUISEL (Richard F.), Seducing the French. The Dilemna of Americanization. KUISEL (Richard F.), Le miroir américain, 50 ans de regard français sur l'Amérique - Philippe Mioche p. 172-173
- ROUSSELLIER Nicolas, Le Parlement de l'éloquence. La souveraineté de la délibération au lendemain de la Grande Guerre - René Rémond p. 166-167
- CHARBONNEL Jean,À la gauche du Général - Bernard Lachaise p. 172
- KUISEL (Richard F.), Seducing the French. The Dilemna of Americanization. KUISEL (Richard F.), Le miroir américain, 50 ans de regard français sur l'Amérique - Philippe Mioche p. 172-173
- BECK Robert, Histoire du dimanche de 1700 à nosjours - André Rauch p. 173-174
- KNIBIEHLER Yvonne, La révolution maternelle depuis 1945 - Femmes, maternité, citoyenneté - Sophie-Anne Leterrier p. 174-175
- POIRRIER Philippe, Histoire des politiques culturelles de la France contemporaine - Emmanuelle Loyer p. 175-176
- MARTIN Jean-Clément, SUAUD Charles, Le Puy du Fou, en Vendée. L'Histoire mise en scène - Patrick Garcia p. 176-177
- BAUBEAU Patrice, LAVIT HAUTEFORT Arnaud, LESCURE Michel, Le Crédit National. Histoire publique une société privée (1919-1994) - Philippe Mioche p. 177-178
- GUEDJ François, VINDT Gérard, Le temps de travail, une histoire conflictuelle - Sylvie Schweitzer p. 178
- FORGES Jean-François, Éduquer contre Auschwitz. Histoire et mémoire - Claude Lévy p. 178-179
- WEITZ Eric D., Creating German Communism (1890-1990). From Populist Protests to Socialist State - Klaus-Peter Sick p. 179-181
- CHARBONNEL Jean,À la gauche du Général - Bernard Lachaise p. 172
- WEITZ Eric D., Creating German Communism (1890-1990). From Populist Protests to Socialist State - Klaus-Peter Sick p. 179-181
- PAYNE Stanley G., History of Fascism (1914-1945) - Simon Kitson p. 181
- BOZARSLAN Hamit, La question kurde. États et minorités au Moyen-Orient - Daniel Rivet p. 181-183
- DANIEL Dominique, Immigration aux États-Unis (1965-1995). Le poids de la réunification familiale - Jacques Portes p. 183
- COLIGNON Alain, KESTELOOT Chantal, MARTIN Dirk (dir.), Commémoration. Enjeux et débats - Patrick Garcia p. 183-184
- WEITZ Eric D., Creating German Communism (1890-1990). From Populist Protests to Socialist State - Klaus-Peter Sick p. 179-181
- Livres reçus - p. 185-188
- ABSTRACTS - p. 189-192
- Index des articles, année 1997 (numéros 53 à 56) - p. 192