Contenu de l'article

Titre Le texte didascalique : dialogue de l'auteur avec sa propre fiction dans les drames de Biljana Srbljanović et Ivana Sajko
Auteur Sava Andjelković
Mir@bel Revue Revue des Etudes Slaves
Numéro Vol. 79, no 1-2, 2008
Rubrique / Thématique
Communications de la délégation française au XIVe Congrès international des slavistes. Ohrid, 10-16 septembre 2008
Page 119-131
Résumé anglais Didascalia Text as a Dialogue of an Author with His Own Fiction : Exemplified by Plays of Biljana Srbljanović and Ivana Sajko Text beyond didascalia and the didascalia texts in the plays of contemporary authors such as Ivana Sajko and Biljana Srbljanović stand for a great advancement in the treatment of the secondary dramatic text. In their didascalia texts the voice of the author is so predominant that it often stands as a rival and competitive one to those of the author' s characters. The didascalia show in a form of dialogue of an author with his own fiction whose existence can be doubtful as well. The very status of didascalia is undermined by the fact that the acting dramatic characters are placed in the didascalia own space. They are placed there notwithstanding the fact that they do or do not exist in the source dramatic text. The greatest achievement in exploring these new possibilities of a dramatic text was obtained by Ivana Sajko who abolished the difference between the primary and the secondary dramatic text.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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