Contenu de l'article

Titre Histoire de la langue macédonienne
Auteur Frosa Pejoska-Bouchereau
Mir@bel Revue Revue des Etudes Slaves
Numéro Vol. 79, no 1-2, 2008
Rubrique / Thématique
Communications de la délégation française au XIVe Congrès international des slavistes. Ohrid, 10-16 septembre 2008
Page 145-161
Résumé anglais In his work entitled On Macedonian Affairs (Za makedonskite raboti, 1903), the Macedonian linguist Krste Petkov Misirkov qualifïed the Macedonian renaissance in the following terms: 'If in the past we learned through Christianity and writing, firstly and progressively while other Slavs have done it after us and very quickly, today, when all Orthodox Slavs have progressively elaborated their literary languages, their rich literature and created their orthography, we remain behind ail of them, almost without literary tradition, not because we don't have one, but because we forget what belongs to us, learning what is foreign.' This intransigent and pertinent statement recalls in fact the leading part played by the Macedonian language in the 9th century in the conversion of Slavs to Christianity. In his work, Misirkov shows that the Macedonian language is a language distinct from the Serbian and Bulgarian languages. Не affïrms that the Macedonians are a nation distinct from the Serbian and Bulgarian nations. Не scientifically opposes the négation of the Macedonian identity. As a Slavic language, the Macedonian language would be the last to be made officiai (August 2nd 1944). However, the Macedonian language and nation are still denied. We attempt in this work to establish the reasons and the consequences for this denial throughout history.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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