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Titre De la décentralisation à l'autonomie : la Guyane
Auteur Maude Elfort
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 101, janvier-mars 2002 Les outre-mers entre décentralisation, intégration européenne et mondialisation
Rubrique / Thématique
Les outre-mers entre décentralisation, intégration européenne et mondialisation
 Diversité et évolution des outre-mers
Résumé anglais From Decentralisation to Autonomy : Guyana. While the regional reform of 1972 was carried out within the legal framework governing public agencies, with competences limited to the field of investments, the reform initiated by the law of March 1982 was quite different in that it put into place a fully competent collectivity which, like departments, benefited from a general competence clause. How then, from now on, to divide competences between these two collectivities ? In practice, the new division of competences between the two collectivities has brought about a fractioning of powers which is prejudicial to the ability of citizens to identify the collectivity which is responsible. Moreover, the legal and financial constraints continue to reveal the inadequacy of the current institutional framework. This explains why in Guyana a new status is being called cining to transfer more decision-making powers to a renewed local assembly. While originally a demand of the Guyana Socialist Party (PSG) it has been taken up today by almost all political and professional forces in Guyana.
Source : Éditeur (via
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