Contenu du sommaire : Les outre-mers entre décentralisation, intégration européenne et mondialisation
Revue | Revue française d'administration publique |
Numéro | no 101, janvier-mars 2002 |
Titre du numéro | Les outre-mers entre décentralisation, intégration européenne et mondialisation |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
Les outre-mers entre décentralisation, intégration européenne et mondialisation
- Avant-propos. La réforme constitutionnelle et l'outre-mer - Brigitte Girardin
- L'outre-mer français aujourd'hui. - François Luchaire
Diversité et évolution des outre-mers
- La décentralisation dans les DOM entre continuité et renouvellement - Dominique Custos Decentralisation in Overseas Departments : Between Continuity and Renewal `/titreb After a period of twenty years of decentralisation in the overseas departments it is now possible to evaluate the lines of continuity and discontinuity. With regard to the former, there has been an accentuation of departmental regionalisation and the continuation of divisions of the basis of origin at the top level of local administration. Lines of discontinuity are mainly to be found with respect to the transformation of methods of adaptation and in the restructuring of the debate on institutions.
- De la décentralisation à l'autonomie : la Guyane - Maude Elfort From Decentralisation to Autonomy : Guyana. While the regional reform of 1972 was carried out within the legal framework governing public agencies, with competences limited to the field of investments, the reform initiated by the law of March 1982 was quite different in that it put into place a fully competent collectivity which, like departments, benefited from a general competence clause. How then, from now on, to divide competences between these two collectivities ? In practice, the new division of competences between the two collectivities has brought about a fractioning of powers which is prejudicial to the ability of citizens to identify the collectivity which is responsible. Moreover, the legal and financial constraints continue to reveal the inadequacy of the current institutional framework. This explains why in Guyana a new status is being called cining to transfer more decision-making powers to a renewed local assembly. While originally a demand of the Guyana Socialist Party (PSG) it has been taken up today by almost all political and professional forces in Guyana.
- La Nouvelle-Calédonie : vivre l'accord de Nouméa - Jean-Yves Faberon New Caledonia : Living with the Nouméa Agreement. With the Matignon agreements (June 1988) the polemical question of self-determination for New Caledonia had been put off for ten years. The Nouméa agreements of 1998 set out arrangements for a new period lasting between fifteen to twenty years. A regime based upon ‘shared sovereignty'has been put in place creating a link of a federal nature between France and New Caledonia, the latter in future having its own form of citizenship and legislative power. More than four years have passed since the signing of this agreement which allows now for an analysis of the institutions, the principles which underpin them and their functioning.
- L'administration des îles désertes - François Garde The Administration of Desert Islands. Far from being simple and uniform France's administration of its desert islands is based upon a large diversity of legal responses. Despite the absence of a permanent population, these French islands are important and an evaluation of their significance is required which would then allow for an explanation of their different statuses.
- La décentralisation dans les DOM entre continuité et renouvellement - Dominique Custos
L'État et les outre-mers
- La citoyenneté dans l'outre-mer français. - Olivier Gohin Citizenship in Overseas France. On the basis of contesting or overcoming the nation-state, new forms of ‘accessory'citizenship have emerged or are emerging to the extent that holding this status supposes first and foremost that the primary status of French citizenship has been acquired and remains so. Yet, one can see that the two forms of accompanying citizenship provided for by law, that is citizenship of the European Union and citizenship of New Caledonia, are not equivalent. The first, which may be situated in a federalist discourse, allows citizens of the Union to enjoy supplementary rights, notably the right to vote and to stand in local elections of a member state in which he or she resides but does not possess the nationality; the second, which is part of a communitarian discourse, conflicts with French citizenship in that it deprives those French citizens who are not citizens of New Caledonia of political rights which they hold as a result of their French citizenship. In this way, therefore, accessory citizenship is contradictory in its object and its effect. If it is considered that citizenship, along with many other hazy notions, is both a ‘factor of unity'as well as a ‘vector of exclusion', it is possible to retain, in the present context of overseas France, a form of integration via French citizenship and exclusion via the citizenship of New Caledonia.
- Le ministère de l'outre-mer : les raisons de la permanence et les besoins de réforme - Gérard Belorgey The Ministry for Overseas : Reasons for its Permanency and Needs for Reform. The transition from a Ministry for the Colonies (1894-1945) to the present-day Ministry for Overseas has brought about much structural reorganisation. Despite their apparent permanency the ministerial structures responsible for overseas territories have undergone a certain number of developments attesting to both the retention of the specific aspects of overseas territories together with an adaptation to new contexts. This historical perspective illuminates and underlines the reasons which justify a specialised Ministry for overseas territories, with a particular place within government machinery and an internal organisation which allows it to respond fully to its responsibilities.
- La justice outre-mer : justice du lointain, justice de proximité - Régis Lafargue Justice Overseas : Justice from Near and Afar `/titreb The judicial public service in the context of overseas territories has often to align itself with the sociological particularities and the community structure of numerous island societies. Thus, overseas France presents itself as a laboratory for the experimentation of new procedures whether this be in the areas of crime-prevention and policies for towns, or new forms of judicial action such as community justice and municipal judges. Judicial activity overseas has two faces : it guarantees state sovereignty but is in line with social realities and cultural specificities.
- Le dernier commandant du cercle ? Témoignage : sous-préfet à Saint-Laurent du Maroni - Marc Vizy The Sub-Prefect of Saint-Laurent du Maroni The last Commander of the Circle ? Marc Vizy, posted in March 1990 to the Amazonian district of Saint-Laurent du Maroni with an area of 40 000 km2, gives us here an account of what is a highly singular experience for a high level French civil servant but at the same time reveals perfectly the need for adaptation where overseas France is concerned.
- La citoyenneté dans l'outre-mer français. - Olivier Gohin
Les outre-mers face à l'intégration européenne et à la mondialisation
- Les régions ultra-périphériques entre assimilation et différenciation - Christian Vitalien The Regions Beyond the Periphery : Between Assimilation and Differentiation. The idea of a region beyond the periphery denotes a group of territories with different constitutional statuses but which have in common the fact that they are a long way from their national metropolis and from the European Community. The notion, which was evoked in Declaration no. 26, adopted on 7 February 1992 in the context of the Final Act of the Intergovernmental Conference held in Maastricht, has been incorporated into Article 299-2 of the Treaty on European Union. Legal developments reveal, and this is shown by the example of overseas departments, the tension which exists between the need to manage the constraints which surround the integration of ‘non-European'spaces, which implies an approach consistent with general objectives and, thus, harmonisation, together with attention to the particularities which characterise the geographical, economic and social situations of regional entities whose levels of developments require a differentiated approach.
- L'association des pays et territoires d'outre-mer à la Communauté européenne - Jacques Ziller The Association of Overseas Countries and Territories to the European Community. Overseas countries and territories do not form part of the single market. This means that the rules and policies which accompany the single market do not apply to them, yet at the same time France's adhesion to the European Union requires the implementation in these territories of the principles of non-discrimination on the grounds of nationality and, for those inhabitants who have French citizenship, the granting of European citizenship. Moreover, overseas countries and territories are associated to the European Community and the question of future relations between them needs to be posed.
- Les relations entre les départements français d'Amérique et les Caraïbes : une histoire en construction - Éric Nabajoth Relations Between the French Departments of America and Caribbeans : a History in Construction. Initially, decentralisation together with the development of identity claims, provoked a progressive rediscovery of the Caribbean area; strategies and cooperation instruments were devised which operated within a framework of competing models and in particular brought about the creation of different sets of logic opposing the state against certain local actors of the FDA. At the dawn of the 1990s, marked by the development of globalisation, ideological conflicts are fading. In a Caribbean space which is enjoying a full phase of deconstruction/reconstruction, the approach of the FDA towards their environment is being revised, all the more so given that the simultaneous evolution of the territories'institutions and competences. This initiative of regional integration must, nevertheless, pursue a clear strategy in order to counter the proliferation of current measures.
- L'Océan indien : la difficile intégration dans l'espace régional - Laurent Sermet The Indian Ocean : Difficult Integration Within this Regional Space `/titreb The environs of the island of La Réunion are constituted by three concentric circles : the first comprises the south-west islands of the Indian Ocean; the second circle includes the large states which border onto this ocean, such as South Africa or India, and the third is made up of the area to the east. While the island enjoys close relations with regard to the first circle, exchanges with the States in the other circles are non-existent. It is, hence, understandable, why the crises which have shaken Madagascar and the Comores hinder considerably not only integration within this regional space but also the role that the island of La Réunion might play there.
- Le Pacifique : à la recherche du développement dans un espace émietté - Paul de Deccker The Pacific : the Quest for Development in a Fragmented Space `/titreb Having charted the physical and cultural, economic, political and social data, and having analysed the regional and international relations of the Pacific zone, it is now possible to trace the key lines of political and economic developments in this region of the world.
- Les régions ultra-périphériques entre assimilation et différenciation - Christian Vitalien
- Chronique de l'Administration
- Chronique du secteur public économique - André G. Delion, Michel Durupty
- Chronique du secteur public économique - André G. Delion, Michel Durupty
- Chronique du secteur public économique - André G. Delion, Michel Durupty
- Chronique du secteur public économique - André G. Delion, Michel Durupty
- Chronique du secteur public économique - André G. Delion, Michel Durupty
- Chronique du secteur public économique - André G. Delion, Michel Durupty
- Chronique du secteur public économique - André G. Delion, Michel Durupty
- Chronique du secteur public économique - André G. Delion, Michel Durupty
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