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Titre La Nouvelle-Calédonie : vivre l'accord de Nouméa
Auteur Jean-Yves Faberon
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 101, janvier-mars 2002 Les outre-mers entre décentralisation, intégration européenne et mondialisation
Rubrique / Thématique
Les outre-mers entre décentralisation, intégration européenne et mondialisation
 Diversité et évolution des outre-mers
Résumé anglais New Caledonia : Living with the Nouméa Agreement. With the Matignon agreements (June 1988) the polemical question of self-determination for New Caledonia had been put off for ten years. The Nouméa agreements of 1998 set out arrangements for a new period lasting between fifteen to twenty years. A regime based upon ‘shared sovereignty'has been put in place creating a link of a federal nature between France and New Caledonia, the latter in future having its own form of citizenship and legislative power. More than four years have passed since the signing of this agreement which allows now for an analysis of the institutions, the principles which underpin them and their functioning.
Source : Éditeur (via
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