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Titre Les régions ultra-périphériques entre assimilation et différenciation
Auteur Christian Vitalien
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 101, janvier-mars 2002 Les outre-mers entre décentralisation, intégration européenne et mondialisation
Rubrique / Thématique
Les outre-mers entre décentralisation, intégration européenne et mondialisation
 Les outre-mers face à l'intégration européenne et à la mondialisation
Résumé anglais The Regions Beyond the Periphery : Between Assimilation and Differentiation. The idea of a region beyond the periphery denotes a group of territories with different constitutional statuses but which have in common the fact that they are a long way from their national metropolis and from the European Community. The notion, which was evoked in Declaration no. 26, adopted on 7 February 1992 in the context of the Final Act of the Intergovernmental Conference held in Maastricht, has been incorporated into Article 299-2 of the Treaty on European Union. Legal developments reveal, and this is shown by the example of overseas departments, the tension which exists between the need to manage the constraints which surround the integration of ‘non-European'spaces, which implies an approach consistent with general objectives and, thus, harmonisation, together with attention to the particularities which characterise the geographical, economic and social situations of regional entities whose levels of developments require a differentiated approach.
Source : Éditeur (via
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