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Titre L'évolution de la demande et des enjeux de la coopération administrative
Auteur Bruno Delaye
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 100, 2001/4 La coopération administrative internationale
Rubrique / Thématique
La coopération administrative internationale
 Les enjeux et les acteurs
Page 8 pages
Résumé anglais New Needs and Priorities in Administrative Cooperation If the ultimate goal of administrative cooperation is to enforce the rule of law and respect for the basic principles of good govemance — transparency, responsibility, accountability and ethics, its most immediate tasks are the improvement of administrative efficiency, the enhancement of user services, the implementation and evaluation of public policies. However, merely promoting the French administrative model no longer fulfills the requirements of the country's policy of influence and solidarity. It has become necessary for France to modemize what it has to offer in the field of administration and adapt this offer to the needs of its various partners. In a rapidly changing national and international context, top priority has been given to the renewal of French administrative cooperation.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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