Contenu du sommaire : La coopération administrative internationale
Revue |
Revue française d'administration publique ![]() |
Numéro | no 100, 2001/4 |
Titre du numéro | La coopération administrative internationale |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Sommaire du n° 100 - p. 3 pages
La coopération administrative internationale
- Éditorial - Jean-Paul Delevoye p. 2 pages
- Avant-propos - Renaud Denoix de Saint-Marc p. 2 pages
Le rôle de l'institut international d'administration publique
- Exposé des motifs du décret n° 66-893 du 2 décembre 1966 - p. 3 pages
- La contribution de la France à la formation des élites administratives de l'étranger (extraits) - Jean Baillou p. 3 pages
- L'Institut international d'administration publique (2 décembre 1966 -10 janvier 2002) - Philippe Ratte p. 13 pages The International Institute for Public Administration (IIAP) (December 2 1966 -January 10 2002) The article traces the history of the International Institute for Public Administration (Institut international d'administration publique) from its colonial roots to its recent merger with the ENA. The creation of the Institute in 1966 reflected the Gaullist determination to build a world that would be govemed democratically by States with equal voting rights, exercising their freedom as sovereign nations. An instrument of French diplomacy, the IIAP combined a vision of the future with an all-important tradition of training professionals for service in French-speaking countries abroad. As a centre for advanced study answering to a very real need, it left its mark on thousands of civil servants. In 1981 at the request of local partners, the IIAP took a step in another direction with the setting up of a more diversified curriculum with a strong emphasis on economies. During this same period it entered a competitive market, and thanks to the events of 1989, was able to establish cooperative ties with Central and Eastem Europe. The competition which then existed between the IIPA's activities and those of ENA gave rise to the idea of a merger, which became a reality only some years later.
- Témoignages d'anciens directeurs de l'IIAP - Henri Roson, Jean-Pierre Puissochet, Michel Franc, Didier Maus p. 14 pages Interviews with Former IIAP Directors We asked former IIAP directors three questions : what problems did you encounter on arrivai and what policies did you implement ; what facts or events stand out in your mind during the time you directed the Institute, and in what ways did the Institute change under your direction ; how do you assess those changes and in what terms do you see French administrative coopération ? Henri Roson, Jean-Pierre Puissochet, Michel Franc and Didier Maus answered these questions.
- Témoignages d'anciens auditeurs de l'IIAP - Acurio Romulo, Stoyan Bantchev, Surendra Singh Yadav, Carolina Becerril-Maillefert, Mohameden Ould Bah, Simon Hanna p. 9 pages Interviews with Former IIAP Auditors Former IIPA auditors Carolina Becerril, Hanna Simon, Ould Bah, Stoyan Bantchev, Hervé N'Kom, Acurio Romulo, Surendra Yadav speak about the material and psychological aspects of their experience at the Institute, the ways in which they benefited from their training, and how their careers have evolved since.
- Tableaux — L'IIAP en chiffres - p. 2 pages
- Exposé des motifs du décret n° 66-893 du 2 décembre 1966 - p. 3 pages
Les enjeux et les acteurs
- L'évolution de la demande et des enjeux de la coopération administrative - Bruno Delaye p. 8 pages New Needs and Priorities in Administrative Cooperation If the ultimate goal of administrative cooperation is to enforce the rule of law and respect for the basic principles of good govemance — transparency, responsibility, accountability and ethics, its most immediate tasks are the improvement of administrative efficiency, the enhancement of user services, the implementation and evaluation of public policies. However, merely promoting the French administrative model no longer fulfills the requirements of the country's policy of influence and solidarity. It has become necessary for France to modemize what it has to offer in the field of administration and adapt this offer to the needs of its various partners. In a rapidly changing national and international context, top priority has been given to the renewal of French administrative cooperation.
- Encadré — La réforme de la direction générale de la coopération internationale et du développement (DGCID) - p. 2 pages
- Encadré — Présentation du GIP «France coopération internationale » - p. 2 pages
- La fusion de l'ENA et de l'IIAP, un nouvel élan pour la coopération internationale de la France - Marie-Françoise Bechtel p. 6 pages The ENA-IIAP Merger, a Boost to French International Cooperation Though rivalry undoubtedly existed between the ENA and the IIAP as to their respective roles, it was minimal at the time the two institutions merged. Thus, rather than as the resuit of a battle won by one or the other institution, this merger might be explained as stemming from historical reasons combined with the need for administrative rationalization, which involved the restructuring of ENA so as to integrate the IIAP's spécifie input. Restructuring was carried out along three main thèmes — basic training, career development and research, international relations — aiming to give France an efficient instrument for administrative coopération.
- Le rôle des acteurs publics et privés dans la coopération administrative internationale - Marie-Aimée Latournerie p. 7 pages The Role of Public and Private Actors in International Administrative Cooperation The aim of this article is to assess the respective roles played in international administrative cooperation by French public and private actors, the conditions under which communication between these actors could be improved, their goals, and the means at their disposal to strengthen collaboration. From the author's point of view, the role of private actors is still minimal and disconnected from State action, despite the fact that the few collaboration experiences which have been carried out clearly demonstrate the advantages of this sort of networking.
- Acteurs privés : le cas des cabinets d'avocats d'affaires - Michel Durupty p. 8 pages Private Actors : the Case of Law Offices Specialized in Corporate Law It is extremely difficult for private actors to get access to the market and once there, they still have to confront the problems involved in project management. The author illustrates his point thanks to his own experience working on PHARE and TACIS projects. From his point of view, the expertise of French law offices is essential to increase the prestige of French law worldwide and ensure the transfer of French administrative methods and institutional framework abroad.
- Coopération administrative et Etat de droit - Michel Gentot p. 4 pages Administrative Cooperation and the Rule of Law If one of the underlying aims of all administrative cooperation projects is the dissemination of the basic principles of a State subject to the rule of law, the first question is : how do we define this rule of law that we wish to set up ? There is a tendency, especially in the context of cooperation with Central and Eastern European countries hoping to integrate the European Union, to replace the formal concept, more easily put in place due to the lesser number of constraints, with a more substance-based definition. However, States are reluctant to accept the independence of the judiciary and the extension of its control over State power. The French experience may prove helpful in overcoming this difficulty.
- La place de la réforme de l'Etat dans la coopération administrative internationale - Jacky Richard p. 10 pages The Role of State Reform in International Administrative Cooperation In this paper, examples of administrative cooperation between France and several of its partners — members of the European Union, candidates for membership or simply non-members — provide some food for thought on international cooperation between administrations. First, it would be necessary to extend such cooperation to other assistance programs. Secondly, one would have to study the impact of these new forms of assistance on existing instruments of international administrative cooperation, and expertise on the subject would have to be adapted to this new context. Networking has become more necessary than ever.
- Construire les capacités institutionnelles dans les pays en développement : le nouveau défi de la coopération administrative dans la mondialisation - Jean-Michel Sévérino p. 10 pages Building an Institutional Framework in Developing Countries : the New Challenge of Administrative Cooperation in the Global Context Since the end of the colonial period, the building of an institutional framework in developing countries has faced a number of difficulties, now sharply underscored by the globalization process. Administrative cooperation with developing countries is more necessary now than ever, but must take on new forms : traditional technical aid should be replaced by a serious policy of institution-building, based notably on a better balance between sector-based and global approaches, and on a greater diversity in the forms of institutional aid.
- La Commission européenne et la coopération administrative - Bernard Zahra p. 12 pages The European Commission and Administrative Cooperation Although the European Community was initially created without the support of administrative cooperation, the European Commission soon realized the importance of setting up such frameworks. Different forms of cooperation thus emerged, enabling the Commission not only to exercise its own authority but also, as in the changeover to the euro, to include national policy-making within the construction process of the European Union. More recently, still other forms of cooperation have been set up by the Commission in numerous areas extending beyond the scope of European competence, and a number of these projects involve countries outside the European Union.
- Le rôle des réseaux - Turkia Ould Daddah p. 9 pages International Administrative Cooperation : the Role of Networks In the past, States were in charge of international cooperation among administrations. Today however, this task has been taken up by numerous associations and non-govemmental organizations specialized in administration and organized as networks. This change was made possible by globalization and the graduai decline of the welfare State. This new context has revealed not only the importance of the administrative aspects of development, but also the specifie input of these organizations and associations and their networks, which are in a better position than govemments to ensure that administrative cooperation remains efficient in a global world.
- Le point de vue des pays partenaires — témoignages - Maria Gintowt-Jankowicz, Jean-Pierre Elong-Mbassi p. 8 pages
- L'évolution de la demande et des enjeux de la coopération administrative - Bruno Delaye p. 8 pages
Exemples étrangers
- Le rôle des fondations politiques en République fédérale d'Allemagne - Benedikt Speer p. 8 pages The Role of Political Foundations in Germany Due to their close ties with political parties, German foundations play a significant role in the foreign and development policies of Germany. Although their role is not easy to determine from a scientific standpoint, they nevertheless have a considerable and constant influence on Germany's foreign and cooperation policies, as shown, for example, by their support to democratie opposition in several countries, particularly in Central America. Thus, despite financial restrictions which may affect their activities, the role of these political foundations will probably increase in the coming years.
- La coopération administrative au Royaume-Uni et la formation - Michael Duggett, Adam Steinhouse, Andrew Wyatt p. 8 pages Administrative Cooperation in the United Kingdom and Training Programs Governmental organizations in charge of defining training policies in the United Kingdom, and especially the Civil Service College, have conducted numerous programs in different countries of Central Europe, Africa and Asia, aiming to promote the British conception of civil service on the international level. The civil servant exchange programs and specific training programs developed in this framework stress the reality of British governance rather than administrative theory, which the British civil service is known to despise.
- La coopération administrative québécoise : le rôle de l'Ecole nationale d'administration publique - Marcel Proulx p. 9 pages Administrative Cooperation in Quebec : the Role of the National School of Public Administration (ENAP) Since the end of the 1970s, ENAP (Ecole Nationale d'Administration Publique) has been one of the main actors of administrative cooperation in Quebec. Cooperation is understood as the transfer of knowledge and expertise for the purpose of providing aid to development. In order to do this, Quebec, through ENAP, has developed its consultant and institutional support services and trains both foreign public management specialists and the trainers themselves. Not only do these programs make the Quebec System better known abroad, they also encourage internal debate on the perception of public management and the nature of the training offered by the school.
- Le rôle des fondations politiques en République fédérale d'Allemagne - Benedikt Speer p. 8 pages
- Éditorial - Jean-Paul Delevoye p. 2 pages
- Au jour le jour - Francis Chauvin, Hervé Rihal p. 12 pages
- Chronique des entreprises publiques - André Georges Delion, Michel Durupty p. 10 pages
- Au jour le jour - Francis Chauvin, Hervé Rihal p. 12 pages
Informations bibliographiques
Notes de lecture
- Conseil d'État, L'influence internationale du droit français, Paris, La Documentation française (coll. «Les études du Conseil d'État»), 2001 - Marie-Françoise Bechtel p. 2 pages
- Warin (Philippe), Les dépanneurs de justice, les «petits fonctionnaires» entre qualité et équité, Paris, LGDJ, (coll. «Droit et Société»), 2002 - Luc Rouban p. 3 pages
- Demeestère (René), Le contrôle de gestion dans le secteur public, Paris, LGDJ (coll. «Systèmes-Finances publiques»), 2002 - Sandra Détrie-Lavroff p. 1 page
- Lamberterie (Isabelle de), Lucas (Henri-Jacques) dir., Informatique, libertés et recherche médicale, Paris, CNRS éditions, 2001 - Sandra Détrie-Lavroff p. 2 pages
- Conseil d'État, L'influence internationale du droit français, Paris, La Documentation française (coll. «Les études du Conseil d'État»), 2001 - Marie-Françoise Bechtel p. 2 pages
- Abstracts - p. 5 pages
- Table annuelle - p. 5 pages
Le Rôle de l'Institut International d'Administration Publique
- **** Témoignages d'anciens directeurs de l'IIAP : Henri Roson, Jean-Pierre Puissochet, Michel Franc, Didier Maus
- **** Témoignages d'anciens auditeurs de l'IIAP : Acurio Romulo, Stoyan Bantchev, Surendra Yadav, Mme Carolina Becerril, M. Ould Bah, Mme Hanna Simon
- L'IIAP en chiffres
- La réforme de la direction générale de la coopération internationale et du développement (DGCID) - Présentation du GIP "France coopération internationale"
- Construire les capacités institutionnelles dans les pays en développement : le nouveau défi de la coopération administrative dans la mondialisation - Jean-Michel Severino
- Le rôle des réseaux, - Turkia Ould Addah
- Le point de vue des pays partenaires - témoignages
- Chronique de l'administration - Francis Chauvin