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Titre Aspects de la politique urbaine à Grenoble
Auteur Jacques Joly
Mir@bel Revue Revue de Géographie Alpine
Numéro vol. 70, no 1-2, 1982
Page 24 pages
Résumé anglais Abstract. — Urban policy is one of the most important activities of the local power in Grenoble, led by socialists since 1965. The distribution of population, the morphology of the town and, more radically, the production system of physical and social environment have been deeply changed. Along these years new organizations have been settled down and now they allow a rather good control of the process of urbanization. This paper focus on the main trends which guide the space organization. All the forms of social segregation are strongly thrown out and local authorities try to promote a new city management to satisfy the social needs of the whole community.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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