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Revue | Revue de Géographie Alpine |
Numéro | vol. 70, no 1-2, 1982 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Editorial - Gilbert Armand, Bernard Janin, Jean Loup p. 1 page
- Aspects de la politique urbaine à Grenoble - Jacques Joly p. 24 pages Abstract. — Urban policy is one of the most important activities of the local power in Grenoble, led by socialists since 1965. The distribution of population, the morphology of the town and, more radically, the production system of physical and social environment have been deeply changed. Along these years new organizations have been settled down and now they allow a rather good control of the process of urbanization. This paper focus on the main trends which guide the space organization. All the forms of social segregation are strongly thrown out and local authorities try to promote a new city management to satisfy the social needs of the whole community.
- Evolution du paysage urbain dans le centre de Grenoble : les rapports du cadre bâti et du végétal - Patrick Bienvenu p. 26 pages Abstract. — This paper analyses the urban landscape of Grenoble, its constitution and its historical development through the relation between the urban construction and the surrounding greenery. Until the end of the nineteenth century this relationship appeared very harmonious. Then fonctionnalism invaded the city and damaged the scenery. However the center of the city has maintained traces of its original pattern. Current projects of redevelopment in the old town, planned since the begining of the seventies represent a radical break with the tradition.
- Le marché foncier dans le secteur Nord-Est de l'agglomération grenobloise de 1977 à 1980 - Gilbert Armand p. 14 pages Abstract. — In the northeast part of the metropolitan area of Grenoble, on the right side of Gresivaudan valley where a rather wealthy population lives, the land market has much decreased in recent years. Most real estate transactions are intended for the construction of private houses. Generally buyers belong to the upper middle class and most of the purchasing is done by people living in the other parts of the urban area. Prices reach a high level, without equivalent anywhere in the suburbs, but there is a great variation of land values betwen the alluvial bottom of the valley, used for agriculture, and the slopes of the hills, the best places to live.
- Croissance pavillonnaire et rétention foncière dans la banlieue grenobloise - Louis Freschi p. 26 pages Abstract. — In the last dozen years, the agglomeration of the city of Grenoble has experienced, as many other cities, an important spatial growth in the form of a suburban residential area. However, Grenoble is experiencing along with this growth, a continuingly increasing problem of a lack of land on which to build. In the Grésivaudan, the valley just to the north-east of the city of Grenoble, the plan for urban expansion does preview sufficient space to satisfy, at short term, this mode of urbanization. This lack of available land derives itself above all from the retention of property by the original owners for multifaceted reasons.
- Problèmes fonciers d'un front d'urbanisation. Le cas des zones NA dans l'agglomération grenobloise - Alicia Casalis p. 13 pages Abstract. — The french town planning documents lays by some specific areas (NA) for the futur needs of urbanization. They condition meanly the process of urbanization and the resolution of the housing processus in the metropolitan area of Grenoble. The are the site of stokes various social groups.
- Le poids de l'urbain dans la transformation contemporaine des espaces sociaux nord-alpins. Le cas des ménages - Henri Guibourdenche p. 26 pages Abstract. — The influence of urban growth on contemporary changes in the Northern Alpine milieu as based on a study of family units. Family units have been taken here as epitomizing the change in the social and geographical milieu of the Northern French Alps between 1954 and 1975. Under the influence of urban growth, their structures and behaviour have undergone both uniformity and différenciation. The movements that have taken place on a large scale among a mobile population have replaced the basic attitudes of the more deeply-rooted population. The influence of the mountain environment on demography had faded. The communities with the fastest growth appear vulnerable, especially when they are small.
- Tourisme et urbanisation en montagne : le cas de la Savoie - Pierre Préau p. 15 pages Abstract. — The increase of mass tourism in the french Alpes of Savoy goes with the trend of urbanization in the mountain. The spread of the dwelling function and its concentration in some sites at the foot of the ski slopes are the main signs of this process. This analysis debates with two partly conflicting topics. The large touristic resort looks like a true town but it has not the real social and economic structure. On the other side, in despite of the rural appearance, the mountain is impregnated with the deep trends of urbanization which consequently change the regional features.
- La coopération intercommunale dans la dynamique des petites villes en milieu rural : vingt années d'expérience de district - Christiane Marie p. 28 pages Abstract. — The « districts »(ie the grouping of several townships) were decided in 1959 order to solve the problems created by the spreading of great urban centers. This type of cooperation between smaller townships has enabled these to have an influence on the very structures of their environment. When the « districts » gave themselves a mission of development, they became territorial organization in actual fact, this situation called the principle of autonomous townships in question again, but, on the other hand, it provided small townships and outlying rural parishes with the means necessary for their independence.
- L'eau dans la région grenobloise et son utilisation. Bilan et problèmes de conservation d'un patrimoine - Jean Billet p. 14 pages
Comptes rendus critiques
- Avrillier (R.) et Tauveron (A.), 1981. — Les caravaniers et les résidents secondaires en week-end : entre rêves et réalités. - Louis Freschi p. 1 page
- Dacharry (Mlle M.), 1981. — Géographie du transport aérien. - Paul Veyret p. 2 pages
- Brunet (R.), 1981. — Atlas et Géographie de la Champagne, Pays de Meuse, Basse Bourgogne. - Paul Veyret p. 3 pages
- Van Asch (Th. W.J.), 1980. — Water erosion on slopes and landsliding in a mediterranean landscape. - Henri Rougier p. 2 pages
- Mermier (Alain), 1981. — Le Beaufortain d'Autrefois. Images et souvenirs d'une belle vallée alpine. - Jean Loup p. 1 page
- Réallon (H.A.) Chauvet (Pierre) et col., 1981. — Une haute vallée confrontée à sa survie : Réallon, H.A. Bull. Soc. Et. des Hautes- Alpes. - Jean Loup p. 1 page
- Bailly (Antoine S.), 1981. — La géographie du bien-être. - Jean Loup p. 3 pages