Contenu de l'article

Titre Tourisme et urbanisation en montagne : le cas de la Savoie
Auteur Pierre Préau
Mir@bel Revue Revue de Géographie Alpine
Numéro vol. 70, no 1-2, 1982
Page 15 pages
Résumé anglais Abstract. — The increase of mass tourism in the french Alpes of Savoy goes with the trend of urbanization in the mountain. The spread of the dwelling function and its concentration in some sites at the foot of the ski slopes are the main signs of this process. This analysis debates with two partly conflicting topics. The large touristic resort looks like a true town but it has not the real social and economic structure. On the other side, in despite of the rural appearance, the mountain is impregnated with the deep trends of urbanization which consequently change the regional features.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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