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Titre Gangster or social bandit?
Auteur Laurens Bakker
Mir@bel Revue Terrain
Numéro no 74, printemps 2021 Brigands
Résumé anglais In Indonesia, following post-1998 government reforms, a specific strain of activism has developed that sees typical NGO subjects, such as indigenous rights and land rights of the poor, championed by groups that have a decidedly more violent image than NGOs do. Usually registered as ormas, or mass organizations, these groups combine a repertoire of democracy and social responsibility with established cultural notions of “strong men” who defend their community and engage in crime on the side. This mix is a potent concoction that allows a skilled ormas leader (who is nearly always male) to take diverse roles and refer to multiple sources of legitimization for his actions, depending on his position in local society. This brief ethnographic vignette describes the rise, some actions, and eventual demise of Bahrudin, an ormas leader in Paser, in the province of East Kalimantan.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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