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Titre Vers une nouvelle orientation pour l'agriculture cubaine ?
Auteur Pierre Raymond
Mir@bel Revue Revue Tiers-Monde
Numéro no 171, juillet-septembre 2002 Trajectoires latino-américaines
Rubrique / Thématique
Trajectoires latino-américaines
 Regards sur Cuba
Résumé anglais Towards a new orientation for Cuban agriculture ? The typical character of pre-revolutionary Cuba was the agricultural worker, and not the peasant. The latter proved unable to affirm himself as the connoisseur of the milieu that he happens to be elsewhere. After 1959, the gigantism of State farms was preferred to the detriment of locally rooted peasant agriculture. This has not helped the country to free itself from external food dependency. An overview of the crisis of the 90s thus led to the transformation of State-farms into cooperatives, but the evolution toward veritable peasant agriculture, as wished by the author, still remains limited and incomplete.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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