Contenu de l'article

Titre The Potential Use of Blockchain Technology in Co-creation Ecosystems
Auteur Galina Kondrateva, Elodie de Boissieu, Chantal Ammi, Eric Seulliet
Mir@bel Revue Journal of Innovation Economics
Numéro no 37, 2022/1 Blockchain Technology in Innovation Management
Page 9-27
Résumé anglais Research literature on blockchain technology is starting to emerge. Blockchain technology is primarily associated with cryptocurrencies, raising interest in an application in other business sectors, thanks to its characteristics. The decentralized nature of blockchain creates the new concept of a token economy, which can help to trace and valorize intellectual property - one of the essential challenges in co-creation. This paper considers how blockchain technology and tokenization can solve challenges in co-creation projects consisting of large companies, startups and entrepreneurial accelerators. The paper proposes an exploratory analysis based on interviews conducted with French companies and startups. The findings include a framework of (1) challenges, lack of operating rules, trust, and traceability, and (2) the potential benefits of blockchain and tokenization to solve issues that arise. The findings can be useful for both startups and large companies as a starting point for understanding and adopting blockchain technology.JEL Codes: O3, L2
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