Contenu du sommaire : Blockchain Technology in Innovation Management

Revue Journal of Innovation Economics Mir@bel
Numéro no 37, 2022/1
Titre du numéro Blockchain Technology in Innovation Management
Texte intégral en ligne Accessible sur l'internet
  • The Impacts of Blockchain on Innovation Management: Sectoral Experiments - Patricia Baudier, Victor Chang, Mitra Arami p. 1-8 accès libre
  • The Potential Use of Blockchain Technology in Co-creation Ecosystems - Galina Kondrateva, Elodie de Boissieu, Chantal Ammi, Eric Seulliet p. 9-27 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Research literature on blockchain technology is starting to emerge. Blockchain technology is primarily associated with cryptocurrencies, raising interest in an application in other business sectors, thanks to its characteristics. The decentralized nature of blockchain creates the new concept of a token economy, which can help to trace and valorize intellectual property - one of the essential challenges in co-creation. This paper considers how blockchain technology and tokenization can solve challenges in co-creation projects consisting of large companies, startups and entrepreneurial accelerators. The paper proposes an exploratory analysis based on interviews conducted with French companies and startups. The findings include a framework of (1) challenges, lack of operating rules, trust, and traceability, and (2) the potential benefits of blockchain and tokenization to solve issues that arise. The findings can be useful for both startups and large companies as a starting point for understanding and adopting blockchain technology.JEL Codes: O3, L2
  • How Blockchain Innovation could affect the Audit Profession: A Qualitative Study - Najoua Elommal, Riadh Manita p. 37-63 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Blockchain is transforming not only the way of recording, processing and storing financial transactions and information, but also the way audit firms can practice their profession. The purpose of this article is to examine how this technology will affect the audit profession. Based on a qualitative study carried out on a sample of 17 auditors, this research shows that this technology could affect audit firms at six key levels. Blockchain will allow an auditor to (1) save time and improve the efficiency of their audit, (2) favor an audit covering the whole population instead of an audit based on sampling techniques, (3) focus the audit on testing controls rather than testing transactions, (4) set up a continuous audit process, (5) play a more strategic audit role and (6) develop new advisory services. The results underline the need for the establishment of a clear and coherent legislative system and new audit standards, allowing auditors to embed this technology and enhance audit practices. JEL Codes: M42
  • Blockchain Technology in the Tourism Industry: New Perspectives in Switzerland - Emmanuel Fragnière, Jean-Michel Sahut, Lubica Hikkerova, Roland Schegg, Michael Schumacher, Sandra Grèzes, Randolf Ramseyer p. 65-90 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    Blockchain is often presented in the tourism industry as being a technology in a global approach that will enable the sector to make its digital transformation and bring a whole series of advantages, both financial and logistical. The reality is different, however. Indeed, research on Blockchain tends to focus on essentially technical aspects and takes little account of the customer experience in the sector in which it will be integrated. The aim of this exploratory research, based on 18 semi-directive interviews, is to understand the sociological obstacles to the adoption of Blockchain by tourism professionals in Switzerland. Our generalized findings are presented in the form of four research proposals that argue that, without the intervention of the State, it is hard to see how such disruptive innovation can radically change the highly fragmented tourism sector.JEL Codes: O33, O35
  • Impacts of Blockchains on International Maritime Trade - Olivier Lasmoles, Mamadou T. Diallo p. 91-116 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
    The impact of blockchains on maritime trade has been studied from economic and managerial angles. But their combined study from the legal, economic, and managerial angles has rarely been studied. If the economic stakes are beginning to be identified, the way in which the law defines blockchains is more delicate to understand; the international dimension of maritime transport associated with the various national regulations complicates the analysis. After studying the economic benefits of blockchains on maritime trade we analyzed the legal benefits and the outstanding legal issues. These analyses led to a study of the relationship between the maritime supply chain and blockchains. This study shows that the adoption of this innovative technology by maritime trade actors will have many economic, logistical, and legal consequences that cannot be dissociated and are nevertheless systematically dissociated; but that it is difficult to clearly identify or confirm due to the small number of case studies. JEL Codes: O33, R40
  • Varia

    • Artificial Intelligence, Robots and Unemployment: Evidence from OECD Countries - Florent Bordot p. 117-138 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      Investigating the relation between artificial intelligence, robots and unemployment on a panel of 33 OECD countries covering the 2005—2017 period, we find that a 10% increase in the stock of industrial robots is associated with a 0.42 point increase in the unemployment rate. For artificial intelligence (AI), we use patents as a proxy of AI-related technological capabilities and find a positive correlation with the aggregated unemployment rate, albeit statistically weaker than the one found for robots. We then run the regressions on unemployment rates differentiated by education and age, and observe highly heterogeneous effects between groups. For example, the effect of robots is 2.5 times greater for 25-34 year-olds below upper secondary education levels than for the 55-64 year-olds with a tertiary degree. Lastly, the effect of robots is strongest on the unemployment rate of people with a medium level of education, providing some evidence that robots could contribute to the polarization of the labor market. A similar effect is found with AI, but the results are less robust than for robots.JEL CODES: J23, J24, O33
    • How Pitch Order Affects Investor Interest - David Clingingsmith, Mark Conley, Scott Shane p. 139-175 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      The rise of business accelerators, angel groups, and startup competitions has meant that founders increasingly pitch their businesses to investors in group settings, raising the question of whether the order in which ideas are pitched affects outcomes. We test in a field experiment whether range-frequency theory or the theory of bounded rationality better predicts the effect of serial position on pitch outcomes. We find that range frequency theory better predicts the empirical patterns than the theory of bounded rationality.JEL Codes: M13, G30, G40
    • Fostering Innovative Workplace Behaviour through Employee Recognition: The Mediating Role of Helping Behaviour - Audrey Becuwe, Waleed Omri, Isabelle Chalamon, Amina Amri, Sergey Kovalev p. 177-204 accès libre avec résumé en anglais
      This study examines the relationships between employee recognition, helping behaviour, and innovative workplace behaviour. Using social exchange theory, we hypothesise that high employee recognition can foster helping behaviour, resulting in innovative workplace behaviour. To examine this model, we collected data from 214 nurses in Tunisian hospitals. The results show that helping behaviour partially mediates the relationship between employee recognition and innovative workplace behaviour. Our study provides two contributions to the field. This research is the first to test the joint impact of the three employee recognition dimensions (financial rewards, non-financial rewards, and feedback) on innovative workplace behaviour. By supporting the partial mediating role of helping behaviour, this study also allows us to better understand the influence of employee recognition on innovative workplace behaviour. Our results encourage human resource managers to create a comprehensive recognition policy that combines and balances the three employee recognition dimensions. At the societal level, our results urge consideration of the innovations developed and applied by nurses and encourage the establishment of government policies to support the innovations proposed by hospital staff.JEL Codes: M12, M54
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