Contenu de l'article

Titre Deux usages, deux médiatisations : un dispositif. L'espace public de femmes prostituées et de femmes multipartenaires
Auteur Catherine Deschamps
Mir@bel Revue Pensée Plurielle
Numéro no 27, 2011 Les mondes de la prostitution
Page 59-73
Résumé anglais The public space of prostitutes and multi-partner women
From news items and two ethnographies, the first on street prostitution in Ile-de-France, the second on wanderings of women in search for sexual partners in Paris, this article aims at questioning public, physical and media space in terms of genders. Prostitutes occupy pavements and newspapers in a spectacular way. On the contrary, in a big metropolis, multi-partner women are nearly ordinary figures, but who are also at least explicitly ignored of the debates about space. After the presentation of the methodological and epistemological frame of the survey, descriptions of how the two categories of women use urban space will be proposed. Developments will come afterwards about the different scientific and media treatments of space when it is associated to women that are presented as extraordinary or nearly common women. These uses and appearances in the media, apparently contradictory, join in an implicit incorporated reinforcement of women's space control.
Source : Éditeur (via
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