Contenu de l'article

Titre An inclusive incubation model to foster the creation of innovative SMEs in Africa: Evidence from Senegal
Auteur Cheikh Abdou Lahad Thiaw
Mir@bel Revue Gestion 2000
Numéro volume 40, no 1, janvier-février 2023
Page 247-267
Résumé anglais With the digital revolution and strong growth within African countries, the population shows a bottomless appetite for novelties and everything related to innovative technologies. Combined with the desire of public authorities to respond to the continent's development challenges, such opportunities have forcibly established an ecosystem favorable to the dynamism of entrepreneurship. However, while companies and support organizations are multiplying, the former have great difficulty innovating, and the latter seem inefficient. Hence, the interest of our research relates to the issue of entrepreneurship support. An analysis of the Senegalese situation has allowed us to identify pitfalls and then to propose mechanisms for improving existing entrepreneurship support organizations. This involves promoting technology transfers between researchers in universities and support structures and creating “banks” of needs to fuel both business creation projects and research. This as-yet unformed collaboration would make it possible to stimulate economic actors, entrepreneurial spirit, and creativity.
Source : Éditeur (via
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