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Titre Les enjeux juridiques : l'adaptation du service public des télécommunications
Auteur Jacques Chevallier
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 52, 1989/4 Télécommunications : la nouvelle donne.
Rubrique / Thématique
Télécommunications : la nouvelle donne
 Le bouleversement des règles du jeu : un droit en mutation
Page 15 pages
Résumé anglais Reform of the Public Telecommunications Service Jacques Chevallier The transition from a monopoly situation to a partially free market calls for a redefinition of the public telecommunications service. Although its specifie role as an essential counterweight to the predominance of market forces is clearly felt to be of great importance, it is hardly a justification for the public service to remain in a world of its own : the interdependence of the two branches of the telecommunications sector is such that the public service cannot claim a watertight compartment for itself. The deregulation of telecommunications could therefore corne as an opportunity for striking a new balance between the public and private sectors whereby the market sharing arrangements would include a mechanism for mutual interaction.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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