Contenu du sommaire : Télécommunications : la nouvelle donne.
Revue |
Revue française d'administration publique ![]() |
Numéro | no 52, 1989/4 |
Titre du numéro | Télécommunications : la nouvelle donne. |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Sommaire du n° 52 - p. 2 pages
Télécommunications : la nouvelle donne
- Avant-propos - Alain Claisse p. 2 pages
Les enjeux politiques
- Dix questions à M. Paul Quilès, Ministre des postes, des télécommunications et de l'espace - Paul Quilès p. 10 pages Policy Issues Questions to Paul Quilès and Gérard Longuet Paul Quilès, the Minister for Post and Telecommunications and Gerard Longuet, former minister, answer ten questions on the development of the telecommunications sector and its impact on the State machinery and interstate relations, European directives, the role and duties of a public service in the face of competition, deregulation, etc. In spite of their opposing political affiliations, their views converge over the need for the regulatory and management functions to be separated and for France-Telecom to adapt. But they diverge over the identity and shape of the competent regulatory authority, the issue of its szparation from the authority responsible for audiovisual services, the status of the personnel, and the conditions under which the System should be opened to competition.
- Dix questions à M. Gérard Longuet, Ancien ministre, Député de la Meuse - Gérard Longuet p. 8 pages Policy Issues Questions to Paul Quilès and Gérard Longuet Paul Quilès, the Minister for Post and Telecommunications and Gerard Longuet, former minister, answer ten questions on the development of the telecommunications sector and its impact on the State machinery and interstate relations, European directives, the role and duties of a public service in the face of competition, deregulation, etc. In spite of their opposing political affiliations, their views converge over the need for the regulatory and management functions to be separated and for France-Telecom to adapt. But they diverge over the identity and shape of the competent regulatory authority, the issue of its szparation from the authority responsible for audiovisual services, the status of the personnel, and the conditions under which the System should be opened to competition.
- Dix questions à M. Paul Quilès, Ministre des postes, des télécommunications et de l'espace - Paul Quilès p. 10 pages
Le bouleversement des règles du jeu : un droit en mutation
- Histoire de l'administration des télécommunications : une succession de crises et de réformes - Catherine Bertho-Lavenir p. 11 pages History of Telecommunications Management Catherine Bertho-Lavenir The history of telecommunications management may be broken down into four broad stages : the nationalization of telephone networks in 1889 ; the introduction of a separate budget for the PTT in 1922-1923 ; the setting up of close links between management, research and industry between 1944 and 1964, and finally, since the seventies, the drive to model telecommunications management on company management. This evolution illustrates that in spite of partial and often poorly implemented reforms, French telecommunications management has been able to show — under pressure of technological change and crises — a marked capacity for adaptation and innovation.
- Les enjeux juridiques : l'adaptation du service public des télécommunications - Jacques Chevallier p. 15 pages Reform of the Public Telecommunications Service Jacques Chevallier The transition from a monopoly situation to a partially free market calls for a redefinition of the public telecommunications service. Although its specifie role as an essential counterweight to the predominance of market forces is clearly felt to be of great importance, it is hardly a justification for the public service to remain in a world of its own : the interdependence of the two branches of the telecommunications sector is such that the public service cannot claim a watertight compartment for itself. The deregulation of telecommunications could therefore corne as an opportunity for striking a new balance between the public and private sectors whereby the market sharing arrangements would include a mechanism for mutual interaction.
- Glossaire juridique - Didier Truchet p. 12 pages Legal Glossary Didier Truchet A brief legal definition is provided for such terms as : authorization (and notification) ; disputes over telephone charges ; France-Telecom ; frequency ; specialized links ; monopoly (and competition) ; normalisation (and technical Controls) ; privatization ; regulations, value-added network (telematics network open to third parties) ; cable network ; digital integrated service network ; liability ; satellite ; public service ; private electric radio station ; telecommunication (and audiovisual communication) ; telematics ; user.
- Histoire de l'administration des télécommunications : une succession de crises et de réformes - Catherine Bertho-Lavenir p. 11 pages
Nouveaux supports, nouveaux services : des espaces juridiques en question
- Les satellites - Martine Georges p. 12 pages Satellites Martine Georges The distinction between the operational and regulatory functions in the satellite telecommunications sector is far more clearcut at the international level. A detailed analysis nevertheless reveals that in reality the regulations sometimes favour the notion of content, as in the case of broadcasting satellites, and at others that of support, as in the case of telecommunication satellites. The regulations governing the latter are insufficiently adapted to the growing diversity of services offered by satellite at a time when the effectiveness of the operational framework for satellite Systems as a whole is being called into question.
- La télématique - Éric Baptiste p. 8 pages Telematics Eric Baptiste French telematics has proved to be a success. The range of services on offer and the traffic between subscribers is growing constantly and sharply. This success is based on two leading decisions : the “kiosk” System and initial market stimulation by the free provision of rustic terminais. Institutions involved specifically in telematics have designed a legal framework of their own which is built on an exclusively contractual basis. This separate set of rules exists side by side with others relating to telecommunications, the press and audiovisual communication. The norms applicable to telematics will probably need to be clarified in the future.
- Les satellites - Martine Georges p. 12 pages
Les défis de la concurrence : quelle stratégie pour les acteurs ?
- France Télécom, l'opérateur national de télécommunications - Marcel Roulet p. 10 pages France Télécom — National Télécommunications Operator Marcel Roulet The France Télécom group, the national public telecommunications operator, must now switch from a monoproduct — monopoly — national System to a multiservice — competitive — international one. It must continue to perform its functions as a public service while formulating an offense strategy on the international front for the provision of new services. In preparation for the single market in 1993, France Télécom should develop an appropriate management structure similar to that of its European counterparts which combines greater operational flexibility with a strong supervisory and regulatory role.
- Quelques expériences étrangères : des leçons pour l'avenir ? - Bruno Lasserre p. 12 pages The Experience of Other Countries — Lessons for the Future ? Bruno Lasserre The eighties have seen important changes throughout the world in the field of telecommunications with regard to the regulation and operation of services. The monopolies that dominated the scene in the main industrialized countries have on the whole made way for a freer System which is better suited to cope with the increasingly tough competition. There is a fair amount of agreement on a number of issues : separation of the regulatory and operational functions ; intercommunicability of networks ; liberalization of the supply of terminais and of value added services. Nevertheless, a careful review of the situation reveals some striking differences : from the American model, where the main operator is a huge private company, to the German scheme under which operations are managed by a public body removed from State control, each country follows its own path.
- France Télécom, l'opérateur national de télécommunications - Marcel Roulet p. 10 pages
Les perspectives internationales : des évolutions contrastées
- Vers une nouvelle réglementation européenne des télécommunications - Bernard Amory p. 10 pages Towards New European Législation on Télécommunications Bernard Amory A vast programme aimed at introducing a new set of telecommunications regulation in the European Community is under way. The new regulatory framework has been designed by the European Commission in collaboration with interested parties (telecommunications authorities, the computer and telecommunications equipment industry, users and trade unions). The new regulations cover infrastructure, which would remain a monopoly under certain conditions, the terminal market, which will be open to competition (but with marketing being subject to approval), and the services to be liberalized (voice telephony and, for the time being, data transmission).
- Télécommunications et développement : mission impossible ? - Victor-Yves Ghébali p. 8 pages Telecommunications and Socio-economic Development : an Impossible Mission ? Victor-Yves Ghebali In the exercise of its functions relating to the promotion of telecommunications in the Third World, the International Telecommunications Union adopts a two-pronged approach which consists, at the theoretical level, in defining the relationship between telecommunications and development and, at the operational level, in providing technical cooperation services. While the connection between telecommunications and development still remains to be irrefutably demonstrated, the financing of telecommunications investments (in hard currency) is proving to be an insurmountable obstacle for the developing countries.
- Vers une nouvelle réglementation européenne des télécommunications - Bernard Amory p. 10 pages
- Avant-propos - Alain Claisse p. 2 pages
- L'enseignement de la gestion à l'ENA de Paris - Alain Billon p. 6 pages Management Education at ENA Alain Billon The principle of specialization which governed training courses at ENA until 1958 has gradually given way to the “all-rounder” System, which is now the dominant model at the school. This has been accompanied by greater importance being given to management education, whose very content has changed : it is no longer merely concerned with improving the ability of future senior civil servants to take part in discussions with the business world ; rather it seeks to give them additional tools with which to manage the System of administration. The present course therefore relies on case studies, and consists of several “units” of varying duration (accounting and financial analysis, management control, organization, human resources management, strategic management).
- Perfectionner et développer : les études à l'Institut international d'Administration publique - Philippe Ratte p. 5 pages Further Training and Development : Courses at the International Institute of Public Administration Philippe Ratte The International Institute of Public Administration offers short and long courses to students from over fifty countries who belong to widely different branches of the Civil Service. Designing curricula for their benefit requires strategy and imagination, and the teaching methods employed meet specific criteria which take into account the participants' respective backgrounds and the international character of the Institute. Tutorials, seminars, working group sessions and case studies contribute to make II AP a stimulating centre of exchange and training, where students corne into contact with French and international experts as well as participants from other countries.
- La création d'un corps d'administrateurs gouvernementaux en Argentine - Enrique I. Groisman p. 7 pages The Creation of a Body of Government Administrators Enrique Groisman The creation of a body of government administrators in Argentina serves a double purpose : on the one hand, to set up a selection and training System for senior civil servants and, on the other, generally to bring about a gradual transformation of the principles and operating conditions governing the Civil Service. The object is to create a pool of highly trained and politically heterogeneous officials which successive governments elected to power under the democratic process can draw on. The thinking behind the reform reflects French influence, although the System chosen differs from the ENA model in many respects.
- L'enseignement de la gestion à l'ENA de Paris - Alain Billon p. 6 pages
Chronique de l'administration française
- Au jour le jour (16 avril 1989 - 15 octobre 1989) - Marie-Françoise Bechtel, Francis Chauvin, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger, Yves Jegouzo p. 13 pages
- Le point sur : Le «chantier» de la réorganisation de la région parisienne - Marie-Françoise Bechtel, Francis Chauvin, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger, Yves Jegouzo p. 7 pages
- Au jour le jour (16 avril 1989 - 15 octobre 1989) - Marie-Françoise Bechtel, Francis Chauvin, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger, Yves Jegouzo p. 13 pages
- Chronique des entreprises publiques - André Georges Delion, Michel Durupty p. 12 pages
Chronique des colloques
Informations bibliographiques
Notes de lecture
- Huet (Jérôme) ; Maisl (Herbert). — Droit de l'informatique et des télécommunications. — Paris : Litec, 1989 - Jean-Luc Crozafon p. 2 pages
- Durand-Prinborgne (Claude). — Propos impertinents à une vieille dame : l'Éducation nationale. — Paris : Editions Retz, 1989 - Anne Gazier p. 2 pages
- Marcou (Gérard) (Sous la direction de). — L'aménagement du territoire et les pouvoirs locaux et régionaux face aux mutations économiques. — Bruxelles : Institut international des sciences administratives, 1988 - Anne Gazier p. 2 pages
- Huet (Jérôme) ; Maisl (Herbert). — Droit de l'informatique et des télécommunications. — Paris : Litec, 1989 - Jean-Luc Crozafon p. 2 pages
- Livres reçus - p. 1 page
- Abstracts - p. 4 pages