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Titre Quelques expériences étrangères : des leçons pour l'avenir ?
Auteur Bruno Lasserre
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 52, 1989/4 Télécommunications : la nouvelle donne.
Rubrique / Thématique
Télécommunications : la nouvelle donne
 Les défis de la concurrence : quelle stratégie pour les acteurs ?
Page 12 pages
Résumé anglais The Experience of Other Countries — Lessons for the Future ? Bruno Lasserre The eighties have seen important changes throughout the world in the field of telecommunications with regard to the regulation and operation of services. The monopolies that dominated the scene in the main industrialized countries have on the whole made way for a freer System which is better suited to cope with the increasingly tough competition. There is a fair amount of agreement on a number of issues : separation of the regulatory and operational functions ; intercommunicability of networks ; liberalization of the supply of terminais and of value added services. Nevertheless, a careful review of the situation reveals some striking differences : from the American model, where the main operator is a huge private company, to the German scheme under which operations are managed by a public body removed from State control, each country follows its own path.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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