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Titre Les dynamiques de changement - comparaison des autorités de régulation indépendantes des pays baltes avec celles des anciens Etats membres
Auteur Mmes L. Holm PEDERSEN, Prof. associé au départ. de Science Po Univ. Copenhague, E. Moll SORENSEN
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 114, avril 2005 L'européanisation des administrations : nouvelles missions, nouveaux partenaires
Rubrique / Thématique
L'européanisation des administrations : nouvelles missions, nouveaux partenaires
 L'Européanisation de nouveaux secteurs administratifs
Page 253
Résumé anglais Dynamics of Administrative Change ? Comparing Independent Regulation Authorities in the New Member States with those of the “Old”Member States. The emergence of Independent Regulation Authorities (IRAs) is a relatively recent phenomenon, well known in political science. In an original presentation based on electricity supply, the authors show that the IRAs of the various EU Member States have more independence and competencies in countries where significant proof is required of having opted for the liberalisation of the market. In addition, this study weakens the traditional hypothesis according to which the new Member States tend to be in stricter conformity with IRA principles than the other countries.
Source : Éditeur (via
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