Contenu de l'article

Titre Social media and citizen mobilization in times of crisis: lessons from the ‘Makers' movement against the COVID-19 pandemic
Auteur Jean Moussavou
Mir@bel Revue Gestion 2000
Numéro volume 40, no 3-4, mai-août 2023
Page 88-100
Résumé anglais Crises often see the emergence of various forms of citizens' initiatives. Thanks to social media, the collective action of ‘Makers' during the COVID-19 pandemic led to the first responses that proposed a production model for personal protective equipment (PPE). This initiative shows how social innovation occurs outside the state and the market. This article analyzes how this movement managed collaboration in a context constrained by the confinement of the population. It is based on the triangulation of data derived from online observations and semi-structured interviews as well as a documentary watch. The results identify the modalities of emergence and self-organization of this movement and demonstrate how their combination with social media played a crucial role in the mobilization of the Makers. The article offers an exemplary case of an alternative model of organization conceived between the state and the market. It provides a framework for thinking about digital structuring and coordination processes in crisis contexts, which benefits both the theory and practice of crisis management.
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