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Titre Memorias desde la periferia en Colombia. ¿Un país en transición?
Auteur Pilar Mendoza
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro no 28, 2024 Périphérie(s) dans les imaginaires et les récits latino-américains contemporains
Rubrique / Thématique
Dossier : Périphérie(s) dans les imaginaires et les récits latino-américains contemporains
 Discours et sociétés
Résumé anglais This proposal is based on the analysis of initiatives of social organizations and victims in the processes of memory construction from the local level in Colombia, which shows us dynamics that go from the peripheries to the center, or in other words, social memories that prevail over institutional memory (Sanchez, 2020). The above in a context of implementation of the 2016 peace process and the transitional justice system.We will focus on the spatial, temporal and social limits of the construction of memory where we see porous and/or mobile borders between the periphery and the center, the past and the present, the private and the public. We will thus see examples of the participation of organizations and their memory practices that show the transition from the figure of the victim to the identity of a new political subject.Finally, we will try to demonstrate in these practices a broadening of democracy and of the political spectrum, based on ideas such as that of Rancière (1993) who argues that politics exists when the natural order of domination is interrupted by the institution of a part of those who have no part.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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