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Titre Un nikkei peruano español frente a Japón: España, aparta de mi estos premios de Fernando Iwasaki Cauti
Auteur Barbara Mauthes
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro no 28, 2024 Périphérie(s) dans les imaginaires et les récits latino-américains contemporains
Rubrique / Thématique
Dossier : Périphérie(s) dans les imaginaires et les récits latino-américains contemporains
 Littératures et imaginaires
Résumé anglais This essay aims to analyze how, in España aparta de mi estos premios (2009), the Spanish-Peruvian Nikkei writer Fernando Iwasaki Cauti talks about cultural exchanges between Japan and Spain, as well as about his personal history of a Nikkei, often classified as "Japanese" by the public and engaged in an identity search of which he is critical. It focuses on specific points considered from a formal point of view: the author's play with the successful transfer of the art of flamenco to Japan, the visual play with frames and photographs where cultural transfers from Japan to the Western world are illustrated, before proposing a linear analysis of a extract. It ends with some considerations about the author's self-irony regarding his work as a writer in search of his roots.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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