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Titre Les nouvelles républiques américaines et le culte du héros : Bolívar et Jackson
Auteur Véronique Hébrard, Marie-Jeanne Rossignol
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'études américaines
Numéro no 179, 2ème trimestre 2024 Une nation intranquille (1815-1860)
Page 98-115
Résumé anglais A comparison between Bolívar and Jackson throws light on the strategies elaborated by the post-colonial leaders of the Americas to incarnate the sovereign in an innovative way. As military heroes, both Bolívar and Jackson were tempted by Caesarism which seemed to offer an opportunity to meet the new political challenges in their republics. This caesarist (or caudillist?) moment led to a long-lasting myth in Latin America. However, while Jackson used his authority to build a racist republic, Bolívar managed to hold on to the universalist goal of an inclusive body politic.
Source : Éditeur (via
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