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Titre Biodiversité et ressources génétiques : la difficulté de la constitution d'un régime international hybride
Auteur Hélène Ilbert, Sélim Louafi
Mir@bel Revue Revue Tiers-Monde
Numéro no 177, janvier-mars 2004 Marchés de droits et environnement
Rubrique / Thématique
Marchés de droits et environnement
Page 105
Résumé anglais Biodiversity and genetic resources : The difficulty of constituting a hybrid international regime Negotiations concerning biodiversity have partially polarised North-South positions. The choice of resorting to intellectual property-rights as a management tool for using and conserving genetic resources is recognised both by the ito and the Biodiversity Convention. However while the trade regime within the framework of the no is an efficient basis for innovation in high-tech countries, the regime governing the use and the conservation of genetic resources within the Convention's framework is still not really enforced.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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