Contenu du sommaire : Quelle formation pour les fonctionnaires ?
Revue |
Revue française d'administration publique ![]() |
Numéro | no 51, 1989/3 |
Titre du numéro | Quelle formation pour les fonctionnaires ? |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Sommaire du n° 51 - p. 4 pages
Quelle formation pour les fonctionnaires ?
- L'administrateur public, juriste et manager - Robert Fraisse p. 3 pages
- L'administrateur public, juriste et manager - Robert Fraisse p. 3 pages
Quelle formation, pour quels objectifs ?
Du droit à l'esprit du droit
- La formation juridique des fonctionnaires. Extraits du rapport de la Section du rapport et des études du Conseil d'État - p. 6 pages Legal training of Civil Servants. Extracts from the Report of the Conseil d'État. Neglected by some, overspecialized for others, law has not occupied in recent years its rigthful place in administrative practice. Although a thorough knowledge of the law is essential to ensure the legitimacy and efficiency of the Civil Service, the legal training of civil servants suffers from serious shortcomings in regard to basic legal knowledge, the skills needed to draft texts, the use of computers, and the handling of disputed claims. Efforts should be made, at all stages (recruitment, preparation for entry to the Civil Service, in-service training), to find the right solutions and to adapt them to ever increasing, and constantly shifting, needs.
- Autour d'un rapport du Conseil d'État : Table ronde (IIAP, 17 mai 1989) - Alain Claisse, Jean Aribaud, Guy Braibant, Georges Dupuis, Raymond Piganiol, Serge Salon, Christian Serradji p. 18 pages Review of the Report of the Conseil d'État . A meeting of senior civil servants, administrators and academies was held to exchange views on such issues as the deterioration of legal standards in France, the relevance of the legal knowledge possessed by civil servants, the type of legal training required by them, and the means of adjusting it to constantly changing needs.
- Le rôle du droit dans la formation des fonctionnaires en Allemagne fédérale - Helmut Lecheler p. 6 pages The Role of Law in the training of German Civil Servants. The German Civil Service is characterized by the distinction between civil servants (who are governed by public law) and employees (who are governed by private law). The level of education and training required to enter the Civil Service is laid down in a detailed set of regulations. High-ranking and senior civil servants have traditionally been trained essentially in administrative law. This practice has come in for a fair amount of criticism, all the more so as Germany has since the 19th century maintained a strict separation between administrative law and the other disciplines relating to Public Administration. However, a convincing reform proposal has yet to be advanced.
- La formation des fonctionnaires au droit en Algérie - Essaïd Taïb p. 8 pages Legal training of Civil Servants : the Algerian example. In the Algerian System, the State is the main source of initiative. Civil servant training sets great store by the descriptive study of institutions and emphasizes the guiding role of the State. The civil servant is trained more to worship the letter of the law than to become skilled in its interpretation and application; to serve more as an instrument of authority than as a manager. And since this training hardly ever changes, and fails to assimilate the changes occuring within the Civil Service itself, it acts as a brake on, rather than a stimulus to, economic activity in particular. The training received by Algerian civil servants does not teach them to rationalize administrative methods, when in fact the Algerian Civil Service should be looking for more effective ways of satisfying social demands.
- La formation juridique des fonctionnaires. Extraits du rapport de la Section du rapport et des études du Conseil d'État - p. 6 pages
De la gestion à l'économie publique
- L'enseignement de la gestion à l'ENA de Paris - Alain Billon p. 5 pages Management Education at ENA. The principle of specialization which governed training courses at ENA until 1958 has gradually given way to the “all-rounder” system, which is now the dominant model at the school. This has been accompanied by greater importance being given to management education, whose very content has changed : it is no longer merely concerned with improving the ability of future senior civil servants to take part in discussions with the business world; rather it seeks to give them additional tools with which to manage the System of administration. The present course therefore relies on case studies, and consists of several “units” of varying duration (accounting and financial analysis, management control, organization, human resources management, strategic management).
- Les formations à la gestion au sein de l'administration - Sylvie Trosa p. 3 pages Management Training in the Civil Service. The current drive towards the “professionalization” of civil servants is aimed at overcoming certain traditional cleavages (management training versus legal training), and at instituting a new system of training under which in-service training is made an integral and permanent feature of career development, adapted to each of its stages and the administrators' level of experience, and in which the accent is on developing management skills and techniques.
- Former des managers pour la modernisation du service public, le rôle du «management development » - Sue Richards p. 6 pages The Role of Management Development in Public Service Modernisation. The eighties saw the development of certain dominant models of management, where the emphasis was on tightening up control systems and forcing through cost reduction programmes. Public management for the 1990's needs to go beyond the mechanistic model of “management by direction” and develop “management by design” as the dominant learning model. Designing the circumstances under which personal initiative and talent can flourish to produce a high level of performance, is the challenge now facing public management. Taking personal responsibility for the performance of the organisation raises a number of problematic issues such as leadership, cultural change, legitimacy of the pro-active public manager, and the significance of experiential learning in transformational management development.
- La formation des fonctionnaires à l'économie publique : pour un nouvel agenda - Xavier Greffe p. 14 pages Training Civil Servants in Public Economics : Towards a new Agenda. Although in-service training programmes have included economics, civil servants training in public economics remains unsatisfactory. This situation is partly due to the current state of development of public economics as a discipline in its own right. Still in its inception, public economics lacks an objet and a method. The topics for study are as varied as the methods of analysis (simple, but unsatisfactory, like cost-benefit analysis; interesting, though tricky to handle, like social experimentation).
- L'enseignement de la gestion à l'ENA de Paris - Alain Billon p. 5 pages
Comment enseigner l'administration ?
- Le rôle des études de cas aux États-Unis - David H. Rosenbloom p. 8 pages Legal and Management Training of Public Employees in the United States : the Use of Case studies. There is no centralized or unified system of initial training for the 15 million or so American administrative public employees. The majority of these employees receive legal and management training outside state-run institutions, in universities usually offering a Masters's course in Public Administration. Consequently, the legal casebooks on which the teaching of law is based are giving an increasingly amount of space to law — constitutional and administrative — relating to administrative practice. Case studies in management, which have been used from the thirties onwards, in particular at Harvard University, and supported by a vast movement of ideas, are increasingly focusing on the specific nature of public administration.
- La formation juridique des fonctionnaires des administrations centrales en Grande-Bretagne - Yvonne Fortin p. 9 pages Legal Training of Civil Servants from Britain's central Administration. Improvements in the legal training of senior civil servants from Britain's central administration, although seen as a precondition for coping with the notable increase in the number of claims, do not qualify for special appropriations. The introduction of basic legal training for administrators is a recent initiative which, though not very ambitious, is designed to produce quick results. For its part, the training of officials of the legal departments is being provided in a prevailing atmosphere of crisis. Yet, this training would allow the policymaking departments to make better use of the services of the legal departments.
- Professionnalisme et formation dans les administrations publiques - Jean-Louis Deligny p. 11 pages Professionalism and Training in the Public Services. Training is an essential investment in an organization's future. What is needed is a detailed in-service training scheme which forms part of a broader long-term training programme. The project for modernizing the services of the Ministry of Equipment is a good example. Particular emphasis is given to training officials in management. However, management training is limited to key departments like Telecommunications, Equipment, Finance, etc. Future policy should perhaps be designed to offer advanced management training courses to the main cadres of state officials.
- La fonction publique territoriale : enjeux de la formation au management - Colette Ronxin p. 6 pages The Local Civil Service : Issues Involved in Management Training. The Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale (CNFPT — a local civil service organization) successfully organizes a mid-career training course for the supervisory staff of the more important local authorities. Designed to meet the new needs created by decentralization at a moment when local finances are in a troubled state, this local management course makes wide use of methods directly related to administrative practice (case studies, simulations and field projects), improves trainees' knowledge of the workings of local authorities and increases their self confidence.
- Le rôle des études de cas aux États-Unis - David H. Rosenbloom p. 8 pages
La formation à l'épreuve de l'action
- Pour une formation à la «gouvernementalité» : le fonctionnaire, légiste ou manager public ? - Pierre Lascoumes p. 12 pages For a more “Government-Oriented” Approach to Training : the Civil Servant, Legal Expert or Public Administrator? The current legal training of civil servants fails to make adequate provisions for the teaching of law as it is actually practiced in everyday situations. Although they are the main actors in the formulation and implementation of public policy, civil servants are invariably left to fend for themselves in this field. The development of an alternative training programme hinges first and foremost on overcoming the opposition between legal expert and public administrator : the two dimensions are present in administrative practice at one and the same time. This distinction may be overcome if one regards the law as a readily available resource lying within the reach of both public and private actors in the policy-making process ; and if one designs rules, not with a view to their rigid enforcement but with a view to encouraging discussions between the parties concerned on the very subject of their application. Only then will it be possible to come up with alternative training guidelines. Rather than seeking to preserve the illusion of a black box or proposing even more technical skills and specialization, this training should prepare policymakers to improvise one solution after another in the field of public policy.
- L'adéquation de la formation juridique des fonctionnaires aux réalités quotidiennes de la gestion - Louis-Marie Raingeard de la Bletière p. 4 pages Adapting the Legal Training of Civil Servants to the Everyday Realities of Management. Owing to the nature of its tasks and the composition of its staff, the Ministry of Justice should, logically, be particularly well placed to uncover ways of enhancing the State's ability to adapt to the exigencies of innovation and efficiency. Yet, the ministry's administrators are confronted with manifold difficulties arising, for the most part, from an inadequate grasp of the relationship between standards and means.
- La formation des agents de l'État aux affaires européennes, ou l'urgence d'une approche systématique et adaptée aux exigences d'une Communauté en voie d'achèvement - Alexandre Carnelutti p. 10 pages “European Affairs” Training for Civil Servants, or the urgency of a systematic approach that is adapted to the demands of a Community in its final stages of realisation. Though the training of our civil servants in European affairs has developped for the past 4 years along the lines of special training courses either of an introductory or specialized nature, such training programs currently encounter the problem of possessing only a rough knowledge of the needs and they remain very deficient in the field of Community law and languages. It is advisable on the short term to promote both theoretical and practical training for all appointed high-level Civil Servants, and the long term, to set up a system ensuring that every student (thus including those who may be candidates for administrative competitive exams) has the minimum qualifications in “European Affairs”. both theoretical and practical training for ail appointed high-level Civil Servants, and the long term, to set up a System ensuring that every student (thus including those who may be candidates for administrative compétitive exams) has the minimum qualifica¬ tions in “European Affairs”.
- La communication, le droit, le citoyen - Dominique Latournerie p. 9 pages Communication, the Law and the Citizen. The Law in France has endured some serious discredit : first of all because of the mediocrity of the legal rules and the increasing number of laws, decrees and other legal texts ; secondly because of the evolution of society in general. There is a profound separation between the Law and the information that is given. Now is the time to grant the citizen the right to be informed on the state of the Law. It is imperative to instruct the different administrations on how to communicate and important to explain to citizens the extent scope of their rights ; it is also necessary to hear the demands of the citizen who are not only users of the Law but are also at the origin of the Law.
- À propos de la formation des fonctionnaires - Blandine Barret-Kriegel p. 4 pages Concerning the Training of Civil Servants. The initial training of Civil Servants performed in the relevant administrative schools does not allow sufficient room in the program for such basic studies as law, history, economics,... resulting in the inability of civil servants to carry out their ever-varying assignments or to demonstrate inventiveness. The article further criticizes the way the administration is organised into distinct bodies (“corps”) ; this presents two major shortcomings : early recruitment and the closed system denying access to the administration, to talented individuals from Academia, the Armed Forces or the private business sector. Consequently transfer's occur only in one direction.
- Pour une formation à la «gouvernementalité» : le fonctionnaire, légiste ou manager public ? - Pierre Lascoumes p. 12 pages
- Chronique des entreprises publiques - André Georges Delion, Michel Durupty p. 16 pages
Chronique des colloques
- Chronique des entreprises publiques - André Georges Delion, Michel Durupty p. 16 pages
Informations bibliographiques
Notes de lecture
- [Note de lecture] - Olivier Sudrie, Alain Claisse p. 3 pages
- • KAKABADSE (Andrew P.) ; BROVETTO (Paolo Rondo) ; HOLZER (Rainer) (sous la direction de). — Management development and the public sector. — Brookfield : Gower Publishing Company, 1988 - Olivier Sudrie, Alain Claisse p. 2 pages
- • Équipe d'universitaires de l'ENAM de Ouagadougou, de l'Université de Perpignan et de l'IEP de Toulouse. — Administration et développement au Burkina Faso. — Toulouse : Presses de l'Institut d'études Politiques, 1988 - Olivier Sudrie, Alain Claisse p. 1 page
- [Note de lecture] - Olivier Sudrie, Alain Claisse p. 3 pages
- Abstracts - p. 5 pages
- La formation juridique des fonctionnaires - p. 9-14
- Autour d'un rapport du Conseil d'Etat - Claisse A., Aribaud Braibant G., Dupuis M., Piganiol, Salon S., Serradji p. 15-32
- Former des managers pour la modernisation du service public, le role du "management developement" - Richards S. p. 57-62
- Pour une formation à la "gouvernementalité" - Lascoumes P. p. 113-124
- La formation des agents de l'Etat aux affaires européennes - Carnelutti A. p. 129-138
- Chronique des colloques - Gazier A. p. 169-172