Contenu du sommaire : L'action extérieure de l'État. La réforme de l'État en France
Revue |
Revue française d'administration publique ![]() |
Numéro | no 77, 1996/1 |
Titre du numéro | L'action extérieure de l'État. La réforme de l'État en France |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Sommaire du n°77 - p. 6 pages
L'action extérieure de l'État. Colloque organisé les 14 et 15 décembre 1995 par l'IIAP avec le concours du ministère des affaires étrangères
- Avant-propos - Didier Maus p. 2 pages
- Message - Alain Juppé p. 1 page
- Introduction - Jacques Godfrain p. 3 pages
L'efficacité de l'outil diplomatique
L'adaptation des moyens et de l'organisation administrative aux priorités internationales de l'Etat
- L'expérience britannique depuis 1990 : rentabiliser les moyens - Rob Young p. 5 pages The profitability of foreign affairs starts with setting priorities amidst diminishing financial resources. This policy goes hand in hand with investment in the means of communication, delegating services to the private sector, decentralization, usage of local personnel and the quest for self-financing of consular activities. This effort towards improving profitability has already produced results.
- L'adaptation du ministère des affaires étrangères aux objectifs de la diplomatie japonaise - Kōichirō Matsuura p. 4 pages Japanese diplomacy stands alone amongst that of industrial nations in benefiting from an increase in resources which has allowed it to face up to the significant proliferation of its needs. This development is accompanied by organisational reform and by reform in the training of diplomats and in the area of cooperation with other public bodies. Nevertheless problems remain such as coordination within the ministry of foreign affairs itself and the coherence of economic and commercial activities.
- La réforme du quai d'Orsay - Bertrand Dufourcq p. 5 pages In France, reform at the Quai d'Orsay, undertaken in 1993, was intended to create a more dynamic diplomatic network by revaluing the role of ambassadors, by utilising means of communication and by making use of posts to carry out background and prospective studies. Particular efforts have also been made to mobilise workers, to reinforce coordination between services and the collegiate functioning of the department. Finally, the sovereignty of the ministry of foreign affairs within the State must be restored through it being attributed once again with the capacity to engage in interministerial activity.
- La politique étrangère dans les institutions de la Vème République - Samy Cohen p. 5 pages Study of the institutional aspects of foreign policy in France reveals certain weaknesses and malfunctioning. The preponderant role of the President of the Republic, who conducts and determines foreign policy, raises numerous questions. Of particular note is the incompatibility between presidential powers and existing structures concerned with international relations.
- Éléments pour une réflexion - Maurice Vaïsse p. 4 pages
- L'expérience britannique depuis 1990 : rentabiliser les moyens - Rob Young p. 5 pages
Le métier de diplomate face à révolution de son environnement
- La prophétie de Nesselrode - Réflexions sur l'avenir du métier de diplomate - Fritjof von Nordenskjöld p. 7 pages The Prophecy of Nesselrode - Reflections upon the Future for the Diplomatic Profession In the past few years, the task of the diplomat has undergone profound modifications linked to changes affecting the diplomatic milieu. Diplomats no longer enjoy a monopoly on foreign policy and new constraints weigh heavily upon the profession. In future, in order to respond to these changes, diplomats must emphasize their general role, master new technologies and open themselves up to dialogue with other actors involved in foreign policy matters.
- Portrait du diplomate canadien au troisième millénaire - Jean-Pierre Juneau p. 6 pages Developments on the national and international scenes have brought about profound changes to the diplomatic service in Canada. In future the accent will be placed upon trimming down structures and on maximising the use of new technologies. The objective sought is a growth in efficiency without, however, sacrificing the spirit of solidarity which, up until now, has ensured the cohesion of Canadian diplomacy.
- Transformations et constantes du métier de diplomate - Jacques Andréani p. 6 pages The cut-back on continuing education due to budgetary restrictions has meant that the diplomat must learn to adapt to changes in the profession whilst on the job. Of particular note is the decreasing importance of the task of direct negotiation and the increasing development of the tasks of information provision and communication together with the protection of economic interests. Cultural activities are an area which is still too often neglected.
- Éléments pour une réflexion - Daniel Lequertier, François Scheer p. 7 pages
- La prophétie de Nesselrode - Réflexions sur l'avenir du métier de diplomate - Fritjof von Nordenskjöld p. 7 pages
La cohérence de l'action extérieure
L'action économique, financière et commerciale
- Objectifs et résultats de l'action extérieure de la France en matière économique et financière - Francis Mayer p. 5 pages The Department of Economic Affairs is at the service of both the french economy and french diplomacy. Economic and financial diplomacy endeavours to reinforce economic growth and commercial dynamism through the coordination of policies, the support given to exports and the management of international debts. It also aims to promote France's international influence at moments of intervention by the Club of Paris in handling crises and at the heart of international financial institutions.
- Le rôle des chambres de commerce et d'industrie allemandes - Philipp von Walderdorff p. 4 pages The association of german chambers of commerce and industry makes use of an extensive network to promote german businesses. This network is both complementary to, and in competition with, the diplomatie network and european networks.
- L'action économique, l'État et les acteurs privés - Jean-François Stoll p. 3 pages Plurality within the structures in charge of foreign economic activity must be maintained because these structures are complementary. The private sector ought not to be set in opposition to the State sector, nor must diplomats be opposed to those people working in the Department of Economic Affairs. The demands of business with regard to foreign affairs are becoming increasingly specialized, concerning the area of financial aid as much as that of strategic planning and economic data.
- Éléments pour une réflexion - Makoto Utsumi, Frédéric Grasset, Guy Lavenant, Dominique Bazy, Denis Verret, Dov Zerah p. 10 pages
- Objectifs et résultats de l'action extérieure de la France en matière économique et financière - Francis Mayer p. 5 pages
Sécurité et défense
- La défense, instrument de la politique étrangère italienne dans la période post-bipolaire - Giuseppe Cucchi p. 7 pages After the second world war, italian defence policy was restricted essentially to the defence of national territory with the exception of participation in the operations of the United Nations. During the 1980s Italy freed itself from the constraints imposed by the second world war and intervened in Lebanon. Since then further interventions have allowed the military to gain experience. With the end of the bi-polarisation of the world there is a movement towards what has been called the «renationalisation» of security and defence policies.
- Sécurité européenne : les enjeux et les réponses possibles - Gilles Andréani p. 5 pages The question of european security is too often dealt with from an institutional perspective when it is more suitable to start with analysis of its strategic context. This context has been profoundly modified in recent years. Former «threats» have now become «risks» and the roles of the United States of America and Russia have developed. Different responses are called for to correspond to these changes : possibilities being economic and political responses as well as those concerning defence in the strictest sense of the term.
- Éléments pour une réflexion - Bernard Norlain, Kōichirō Matsuura, Dominique David p. 5 pages
- La défense, instrument de la politique étrangère italienne dans la période post-bipolaire - Giuseppe Cucchi p. 7 pages
La coopération culturelle, scientifique et technique
- La promotion culturelle dans le monde - Michelangelo Jacobucci p. 5 pages It is difficult to define the notion of cultural promotion given the diversity of areas intersected by the concept and the way in which the idea has evolved over time. These days the notion is less and less distinguishable from promotion in the areas of commerce, economies and tourism. The use of technology allows a link to be made between the different aspects of cultural promotion and makes it more operable and efficient. The risk of standardization is an important one and, therefore, the right to difference ought to be at the heart of world-wide cultural promotion.
- La souveraineté culturelle face à la mondialisation des échanges économiques - Alain Landry p. 3 pages Canadian external cultural activities are considered to make a contribution to the pursuit of Canada's strategic interests abroad. The international market is indispensable in making Canadian cultural products profitable. A further important aspect of foreign affairs is the area of higher education in which international collaboration must be strengthened in years to come.
- Le rôle de l'Etat dans l'action culturelle extérieure de la France - Bernard Perret p. 5 pages In France cultural activities abroad are marked by the predominant role of the State. In the last few years, however, this model has undergone an important change which results from two factors. The first is the «relativisation» of the role of the State as an actor in external cultural affairs. This is due to the appearance of new actors. The second factor is the revolution of information technology and communications. The consequences which this revolution has brought about, such as easy access, a market mentality and the development of recreational pursuits, are in direct opposition to the model hitherto imposed by the State. In order to face up to this evolution the State must maintain its presence within the traditional network while at the same time asserting its presence on the new network born as a result of these upheavals.
- Les relations scientifiques extérieures de la France - Marie-Christine Kessler p. 4 pages France's external cultural policy substantially predates its internal cultural policy. This link with the past is at once both beneficial and constraining. While cooperation has been practised for a very long time, the french conception of the notion of cooperation is too unilateral, that is France is giving more than taking. Nowadays the steering of scientific and technical cooperation by the ministry of foreign affairs, through its policy of both close and flexible contacts with the scientific community, has begun to develop a form of cooperation which allows for a more spontaneous manifestation and pursuit of cultural activities.
- Éléments pour une réflexion - Alain Decaux, Yves Aubin de la Messuzière, Alain Auclaire, André Ladousse, Jean-Paul N'Goupande p. 9 pages
- La promotion culturelle dans le monde - Michelangelo Jacobucci p. 5 pages
L'aide aux communautés expatriées
- L'action consulaire britannique : coopération et communication - Stephen Howarth p. 5 pages The objective of british consular policy is to protect british citizens temporarily abroad and not to administer on a day to day basis the expatriate community. Productivity in the services provided is sought, as much from a financial point of view (self-financing through passports) as from a desire to achieve practical results. Productivity depends on obtaining agreement from higher ranks. To these worries over internal productivity one can add the interest in external communications which are harder to control. Communications need to be wholly transparent in order to convince the public of the usefulness and the relevance of the activities engaged upon.
- La gestion des crises par le service consulaire des États-Unis - James Ward p. 5 pages The current policy developed by the consular service is based upon experience acquired during crises which have occurred during the last few decades. These crises have demonstrated the necessity for an increase in the resources of the service and have led to an improvement in staff training and in relationships with the families of victims. The establishment of good relations with these families is done also with the aim of helping the government put into practice policies which may lead to a resolution of the crisis.
- Les communautés expatriées et la gestion des crises - André Janier p. 5 pages Expatriate communities are by their very nature heterogeneous. Consequently they have differing relations with the authorities of their country of origin and may react differently in times of crisis. This is the reason why diplomatie representatives must try to acquire as complete a knowledge as possible of expatriates, to have regular contact with them and to make them aware of potential difficulties. Finally, it is important that close cooperation be established between the various chancelleries abroad.
- Éléments pour une réflexion - Jean-Pierre Cantegrit, Pascal Fieschi, Thierry Burkard p. 7 pages
- L'action consulaire britannique : coopération et communication - Stephen Howarth p. 5 pages
- Conclusion - Didier Maus p. 5 pages
- Liste des intervenants - p. 4 pages
- Avant-propos - Didier Maus p. 2 pages
- Actualité de la réforme de l'État en France - Jean-Ludovic Silicani p. 9 pages State reform in France has become imperative as a result of profound changes which have occurred during the last forty years. Piloting this reform is the Commission for reform of the State whose purpose it is, within a framework of wide-spread dialogue, to identify issues which involve reform within the State, to prepare public decisions and to ensure that these decisions are put into effect. The principal axes of this reform are three-fold : the establishment of new relationships between the State and its citizens, the setting-up of new State decision-making practices and the development of relations based upon confidence between State and employees. The ultimate objective of the reform is to allow the State to adapt, while at the same time holding on to the values of the republican state.
- La réforme de l'État et la conception française du service public - Jacques Chevallier p. 17 pages State reform has indirectly contributed towards the modification of the french conception of its public service. The manner in which administrative changes have been carried out has had an effect upon this conception due to the fact that civil servants and their organisations have become full time participants in public service provision. The reform has also modified administrative relations aimed at improving the level of public satisfaction, tending to give greater flexibility in personnel management and reorganizing administrative structures around two strategic and operational poles.
- Actualité de la réforme de l'État en France - Jean-Ludovic Silicani p. 9 pages
- Chronique de l'administration - Marie-Françoise Bechtel, Francis Chauvin, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger, Hervé Rihal p. 9 pages
- Chronique des entreprises publiques - André Georges Delion, Michel Durupty p. 12 pages
- Chronique de l'administration - Marie-Françoise Bechtel, Francis Chauvin, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger, Hervé Rihal p. 9 pages
Informations bibliographiques
Notes de lecture
- Livres reçus - p. 1 page
- Abstracts - p. 5 pages
- L'action extérieure de l'Etat - p. 7-178
- Le quai d'Orsay dans l'entre-deux-guerres - Vaisse M. p. 37-38
- Humaniser la diplomatie - Grosser A. p. 38-40
- Concilier les exigences de la polyvalence et de la spécialisation - Lequertier D. p. 61-64
- Les nouvelles exigences du métier d'ambassadeur - Scheer F. p. 64-67
- La complexité des rapports avec les ministères des finances et du commerce extérieur - Utsumi M. p. 83-85
- La nécessité d'une perspective politique globale - Grasset F. p. 85-87
- Le rôle des chambres de commerce françaises - Lavenant G. p. 87-88
- La capacité de mobilisation de l'Etat dans les grandes batailles économiques - Verret D. p. 89-90
- Définir les priorités et renforcer la coopération entre l'Etat et ses partenaires industriels - Zerah D. p. 91-92
- Pour une redéfinition des concepts de sécurité et de défense - Norlain B. p. 107-108
- Le développement de la force japonaise d'autodéfense - Matsuura K. p. 108-109
- La remise en cause de la culture stratégique française - David D. p. 110-111
- Un enjeu essentiel de l'action extérieure des Etats - Decaux A. p. 133-135
- La réforme du réseau français de la coopération culturelle et linguistique - Aubin de la Messuzière Y. p. 135-137
- Le rôle de l'ACCT dans la francophonie - Ladousse A. p. 137-138
- Coopération culturelle et développement: les autoroutes de l'information - N'Goupande J.P. p. 138-139
- La diffusion audiovisuelle de la langue et de la culture française - Auclaire A. p. 139-141
- Un système global de défense et de représentation des Français à l'étranger - Cantegrit J.P. p. 161-162
- L'action consulaire française - Fieschi P. p. 162-164
- Le réseau des écoles et des établissements d'enseignement - Burkard T. p. 164-167