Contenu du sommaire : Administration et nouvelles technologies de l'information : expériences comparées France - Québec

Revue Revue française d'administration publique Mir@bel
Numéro no 81, 1997/1
Titre du numéro Administration et nouvelles technologies de l'information : expériences comparées France - Québec
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  • Sommaire du n° 81 - p. 4 pages accès libre
  • Administration et nouvelles technologies de l'information : expériences comparées France - Québec

    • Avant-propos - Herbert Maisl p. 4 pages accès libre
    • Les défis d'un mariage : administration et technologies de l'information
      • L'apport des nouvelles technologies à l'État
        • Vers une redéfinition des relations entre l'administration, les citoyens et les entreprises ? - Jean-Claude Rondeau p. 7 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais avec indexation
          Towards a Redefinition of Relations Between the Administration, Citizens and Businesses. The State is undergoing a period of transformation, relations between citizens and those exercising political and administrative power and businesses are enjoying the opening up of markets on a world-wide scale and the globalisation of trade. New forms of information technology and new methods of communication may provide a way for reconceptualising this three-way relationship. Initial experiments have permitted certain lines of development to be ascertained. These demonstrate the pitfalls to be avoided, the necessity for total involvement on the part of political powers and for increased decentralisation to make those involved more accountable and to facilitate a closer relationship with users of public services.
        • Les inforoutes et les administrations publiques : une approche systémique ou organiciste - Jean-Paul Baquiast p. 7 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais
          Information Super-highways and Public Administration : a Systemic Approach. The development of information super-highways will bring about a redefinition of the relations which exist between the administration, businesses and citizens. This change will be just as important in areas where relations are based upon the expression of needs as in those concerned with the definition and implementation of means. One example of public policy which will be particularly affected by the eruption of new information technologies is that of training. Hence, a new delineation of roles will be necessary both in the area of information and orientation and in the establishment of programmes or indeed in that of training in the strict sense of the word. But, of course, these changes will only be noticeable in the sectors of society which are moving in this direction.
        • Le rôle des technologies de l'information dans la réforme de l'État - Richard Bion p. 5 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais avec indexation
          The Role of Information Technology in State Reform. New technologies and information Systems provide practical means to accompany changes linked to State reform. Thus, having identified the advantages and disadvantages which are generated by use of information technology, the Commissariat for State reform has come to play a key role in putting this technology into operation in the French administrative System. The objective sought is to equip the State with all performance Systems which may be necessary to enable it to function properly, to evolve in the future and especially to improve its relations with those who use public services.
        • Le gouvernement du Québec et l'autoroute de l'information : premières orientations politiques - Robert Thivierge p. 4 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais avec indexation
          The Quebec Government and the Information Super-highway : Initial Political Trends. The Secretariat for the information super-highway which was created by the government of Quebec in 1995 has been given the task of determining Quebec's strategy for setting up the information super-highway and co-ordinating the execution of this strategy. The spheres for government action in this respect have been grouped into seven areas (education, culture, language ...) ; in each sphere objectives have been identified allowing the construction of action plans which will be put forward to the various ministries and bodies concerned. Numerous consultation exercises operating on this basis should lead to the introduction of a government-approved text which will constitute the strategy-plan for the development of the information super-highway.
      • La gestion des nouveaux environnements technologiques : analyse comparée
        • Le virage technologique au ministère du revenu du Québec - P.-André Paré, Roger Ouellet, Ghislain Guérin p. 15 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais avec indexation
          Turning Towards Technology at the Ministry for Revenue in Quebec. Since 1994 the Ministry for Revenue has been using new information technology as a key means for improving its productivity. In the course of dealings with its clients the ministry has started to exchange information by electronic means, for example the electronic transfer of declarations of an individual's income, the making of payments and the provision of State assistance by electronic methods. The priorities of the ministry are standardisation, security, use of intermediaries and transportation via a network which brings with it additional value. Difficulties have been encountered, the principle ones being the untested worth of electronic documentation, electronic signatures, the material limits of channels of communication and the lack of a cheap solution for businesses. The ministry's other main project is its move towards becoming a paper-free office. To this end a variety of services have been introduced : electronic mail, management of computerised data, electronic libraries and specialised services for electronic communication.
        • Du code au cyber-code. Peut-on simplifier le droit ? - Danièle Bourcier, Élisabeth Catta p. 14 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais
          From Code to Cyber-code : Can One Simplify law ? Given the abundance and the complexity of legal texts, a debate is opening up as to the necessary means for making rules of law more accessible. Among the different techniques under scrutiny, codification is often presented as the most efficient means to simplify, clarity and rationalise law. The difficulties of this task make information technology an indispensable ally. Nevertheless any project of simplification brings with it its own paradoxes. This is particularly so when it comes to legal codification. Hence the development of a real public service for the provision of legal information seems necessary in order to facilitate both the task of those charged with codification and also that of those people seeking to use the law.
        • Les EDI et la nouvelle relation État-Entreprise - Pascal Brousse p. 6 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais avec indexation
          Computerised Data Exchange and the New Relationship Between State and Business. The exchange of computerised data is a new means of communication which holds numerous advantages for businesses, both at a strategic and economic level. Hence computerised data exchange may be seen to accelerate and facilitate the transfer of information between the administration and businesses providing that State, for its part, guarantees the security of communication networks. For this reason, in the context of its relationship with business, the administration will have to take up the challenge posed by computerised data exchange in order that the new information System functions to its fullest effect.
    • Les enjeux de la modernisation technologique de l'administration
      • Les enjeux socio-politiques de la mise en place de l'inforoute - Paul-André Comeau p. 5 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais avec indexation
        The Socio-political Implications of Setting up the Information Super-highway. The appearance and development of new information technologies necessarily imply that urgent consideration be given to the reconciliation of these techniques with the respect of citizens' fundamental rights. The demands of modernisation mean that administration are making huge usage of information technologies but, while it is understandable that State has knowledge of certain aspects of the activity of its citizens, its gaze should not linger upon those aspects which concern the core of private life. A dialogue must be established between the State, its administration and citizens in order to create a better understanding of technology and a better appreciation of the advantages and the problems which arise from its use.
      • Le citoyen «Internaute» entre liberté d'accès aux documents administratifs et protection des données personnelles - Herbert Maisl p. 9 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais avec indexation
        The Citizen ‘Internetted' Between Freedom of Access to Administrative Information and Data Protection. As the administration becomes more transparent access to administrative information constitutes both a liberty for the citizen and a threat to private life. The legislative framework in France reproduces this duality by distinguishing access to administrative information from the protection of personal data. The massive circulation of data on international networks makes it necessary to evaluate this legislation. The use of network services generates usage of computerised data. The increasing dissemination of
      • L'apport des nouvelles technologies de traitement et de transfert de données pour les simplifications des formalités administratives - Jean Prada p. 8 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais avec indexation
        The Assistance of Data Processing New Technologies and Data Transfer in Simplifying Administrative Formalities. The administration, in its use of new technologies, is looking to improve the reliability of data and the simplification of its own methods of data processing. The simplification of the management of its ‘partners' is too often relegated to second place. In the last few years progress has been made in this respect, which has led to account being taken of the constraints under which users operate. This new way of working has been the object of a close between actors in the economic sector and citizens.
    • Les conditions du succès : expériences comparées
      • L'implantation des technologies de l'information au Québec - Martial Lemay p. 8 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais avec indexation
        The Instalment of Information Technologies in Quebec. Technological changes are occurring at a time when international competition leaves little margin for manoeuvre open to governments and private companies. Hence it is an opportune moment to reflect upon the necessary conditions for success. Past experience shows that those with responsibility for the provision of services to the administration's clientele have been charged with the management of administrative changes, that a certain number of technological choices have been made by governments and that every organisation has been decentralised. Changes in context and the evolution of new challenges mean an evaluation and substantiation of the conditions of success which operated in the past.
      • Quelques leçons provisoires de l'expérience française. Les exemples de l'éducation nationale et de l'équipement - Jacky Richard p. 7 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais
        A Few Provisional Lessons of French Experience : the Examples of Education and Equipment Departments. Computerised guide-lines are not simply documents concerning investment programming. One has to distinguish between the exercise of control over carrying out computerised commands on behalf of users and the exercise of control over the actualisation of computerised service provision. Two examples where the instalment of information technology has been successful, in the areas of education and equipment, make it possible to identify the conditions for success. Computer science must be expressly available to be made use of in the strategies pursued by the service which should be supported by new information technologies. Planning for increased usage of technology constitutes, alongside other tools for modernisation, a tool to be utilised in the course of managerial changes.
      • Comment les hauts fonctionnaires pourront-ils s'approprier les nouvelles technologies de l'information ? - Jacky Richard p. 3 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais avec indexation
        How Might Civil Servants Make Use of New Information Technologies ? The use of new information technologies encompasses three requirements : the need to distinguish between control over the operation and control over the output, the need to develop tools for piloting and for forward-looking management, and the need to construct frameworks for strategic coherence. What is at stake with regard to the new information technologies relates to their usage and not to their functioning.
      • Les technologies informatisées et l'administration : vers la construction d'un nouveau modèle - Nicole Belloubet-Frier, Simon Caron p. 8 pages accès libre avec résumé en anglais avec indexation
        Information Technologies and Administration : Towards construction of a New Model. It is possible to identify three key ideas within the presentations made at this conference. First, the deployment of new technologies is irreversible. Secondly, it is possible to measure the considerable impact of the technologies upon civil society, law and the administration. Finally, the conditions necessary to ensure their successful instalment may be identified. New tools which result from these changes will no doubt increase the democratic nature of the administration, with the citizen ceasing to be a simple object in order to become the true subject of administrative life.
  • Chroniques

  • Informations bibliographiques

  • Abstracts - p. 5 pages accès libre
  • Table annuelle 1996 - p. 6 pages accès libre
  • Administrations et nouvelles technologies de l'information - Maisl H. p. 5-8 avec indexation
  • Les inforoutes et les administrations publiques - Baquiast J.P. p. 17-23 avec indexation
  • Du code au cyber-code, peut-on simplifier le droit? - Bourcier D.,Catta E. p. 51-64 avec indexation
  • Quelques leçons provisoires de l'expérience française - Richard J. p. 103-109 avec indexation
  • Le pacte de relance pour la ville - Rihal H. p. 132-138 avec indexation