Contenu du sommaire : Les politiques culturelles en Europe du Sud.
Revue | Pôle Sud |
Numéro | N°10 - 1999 |
Titre du numéro | Les politiques culturelles en Europe du Sud. |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
Les politiques culturelles en Europe du Sud.
- Présentation - Emmanuel Négrier, Vincent Dubois p. 3-4
- L'institutionnalisation des politiques culturelles en Europe du Sud : éléments pour une approche comparée - Emmanuel Négrier, Vincent Dubois p. 5-9
- Entre centralisme inachevé et pressions fédéralistes : le cheminement difficile des politiques culturelles italiennes - Luca Dal Pozzolo p. 10-26 This article presents the evolution of cultural policies in Italy since the fascist period. In analysing either the Heritage and Museums domain or the Theatre and visual art sectors, it highlights the relationship between regulation and programming, which are rather centralized, and their effects throughout the territory, in a context marked by the growing role played by bcal and regional autonomies. Nowadays, this perspective is particularly crucial because of a Cultural Ministry reform consisting in agregating all the sectors traditionnally fragmented. Such a reform tends to give a first answer to the demands of federalism. The analyses concerning the actual situation are anything but definitive : the process of transformation is still at the beginning and it is facing a tradition of public intervention in the cultural sector which is very rigid and whose own roots go back to the History.
- La politique culturelle de la Grèce - Dora Konsola p. 27-44 The Ministry of Culture, created in 1971, plays the major role in formulating and implementing the Greek cultural policies. This Ministry is highly centralized and, except for the Archeology Service, don't have any deconcentrated structures. The local authorities play an important role too as they have created, since 15 years, many cultural equipements. The major orientation of the Greek cultural policies has always been the protection of Cultural Heritage, because of the presence, throughout the territory, of many ancient monuments. The cultural decentralization has been defined as an other important orientation since the Socialist Governe- ments period. During the 1990s, a particular effort has been made towards specific cultural domains, such as Book, great projects (as Unifying of Athens Archeologie sites) or the creation of cultural networks.
- La politique culturelle portugaise depuis la révolution démocratique - Eduardo Prado Coelho p. 45-57 The Portuguese cultural policy, if considered as a real political project (i.e. strategically coherent, conceptually defined and based on the correspondant administrative means) is a rather recent idea. After the brilliant ideological period of the post Revolution process, and the following one, marked by some confusion and hesitations, a real ministerial structure with its cultural programme have been created which domain is extended to all Portuguese cultural sectors. Such a project is largely inspired by the Jack Lang's model, even if it takes into account the critics expressed towards it. Its attempt is to break with a liberal policy logic without forgiving the economical dimensions of contemporary culture. In order to better understand such a situation, it is necessary to examine its historical roots and evaluate the effects of decades of political and cultural isolationnism, which has been rather recently eliminated through the process of European Integration.
- La politique culturelle en Espagne : évolution et enjeux - Lluís Bonet p. 58-74 Until the 20th century, one cannot consider that a real cultural policy exists in Spain. However, the spirit of the Lights of the 18h century has made possible a timid public intervention with the creation of several collections and the support of Royal Academies. During the HP century, the governmental action focuses on the Heritage protection and on a rather weak education policy which did not succeed in alphabetising more than 30 % of the adult population. The 20th century is marked by a lagging implementation of modern cultural policies, by the mediocrity, the centralism and the cultural weakness of 40 years of dictatorship, and then by the constitution of a democratic State highly decentralized, integrated to the European Union. In this context, cultural action, competition and identities preservation are stongly connected. The lack of modernity of the policy modelas well as the lack of coherent priorities of intervention both explain the incapacity to face the contemporary social needs, and the decreasing influence of cultural policies, particularly vis-a-vis other social policies.
- Culture et autorité partisane : la politique de "rééquilibrage" de la bibliothèque d'une municipalité FN (Orange, 1995-1997) - Cécile Bressat-Bodet p. 75-92 The French National Front mayors, since their succès in 1995, have considered Culture as an essential domain of action. The case of Orange municipal library, where a contested "ideological re-balancing policy" has been implemented, shows the importance of Culture field for the Extreme-right, particularly for those who claim the New-Right ideological heritage. This one is represented, within the FN, by several personalities, such as Bruno Mégret, Jean-Yves Le GaU lou or Pierre Vial. This policy have to be distinguished from other FN cultural actions (such as folklore, presumed regional rooted culture) where a systematic budgeting restriction is put into effect. It is on the contrary marked by innovations and political ambition. Four processes are highlighted: a nationalization of municipal policies; apoliticization of local policy stakes; a de-ligi- timization of Culture professionals to the politicians benefit; a general politicization of Culture, and particularly for Reading domain, through a reactivation of ideological frameworks in afield which use to be pacified.
- Légitimer l'art contemporain en région : l'exemple du Languedoc-Roussillon - Pascale Ammar-Khodja p. 93-105 L'absence de normes ou de critères incontestables pour tracer les contours de l'art contemporain conduit logiquement à préférer au registre de l'identification celui de la légitimation. En conséquence, il s'agit d'analyser les réseaux et processus qui participent, ensemble ou séparément, à la reconnaissance de l'artiste et de son œuvre, et de saisir les conséquences de cette difficulté d'identifier l'artiste contemporain. Elles portent autant sur l'appréciation de la valeur des œuvres ou du rôle de l'artiste que sur la mise en place et la conduite des politiques plastiques au niveau local. À l'appui d'enquêtes de terrain en Région, il s'agit enfin de voir ce qu'un regard "par-le-bas" peut apporter de nouveau dans les débats et controverses qui marquent aujourd'hui les politiques en matière d'art contemporain. Après avoir tracé les contours des réseaux de l'art contemporain en Languedoc- Roussillon, cet article interroge la légitimation politique de l'art contemporain et, en retour, les registres spécifiques de légitimité que manipulent les rares élus qui mènent des politiques plastiques.Because of the absence of undeniable norms or criteria which would define the boundaries of contemporary art, the legitimation process is a better analytical tool than the identification one. Consequently, this article analyses networks and processes which contribute, together or separately, to the acknowledgement of the artist and its work of art. It also points out the effects of such a difficulty in identifying the contemporary artist. These one either concern the evaluation of the value of work or the implementation of public policies. Based on a regional field work, this article try to highlight the specific gain analyse should obtain through a bottom-up perspective. After having described the contemporary art networks in the Languedoc-Roussillon region, this article questions the notion of political legitimation of contemporary art and, in turn, the specific legitimacy patterns that politicians are using when they conduct public action in the contemporary art filed.
- Identité cosmosystémique ou identité "nationale" ? Le paradigme hellénique - Georges Contogeorgis p. 106-125 The contemporary issue of identity is related to the enthnocentric dimension of the cosmosys- tem, i.e. to the identification of the Nation and the State. National Identity is thus hardly separable from thepoliteian or statist identity, whereas ideological identities are related to a primary cosmosystemic step (statocentrism).On the contrary, the precedent of hellenic paradigm, which constitutes, more than a nation, a global anthropocentric system, reveals a multi-dimensional identity phenomenon : the National identity is primarily cultural, and thus clearly differs from State (polis) identity, which relates topoliteian and ideological identities. The dialogue between hellenic cosmosystem (anthropocentrism at a small scale) and its ethnocentric counterpart (anthropocentrism at a large scale) begins with Byzance and continue until the early 20th century. It is of high interest either for analysing the contemporary identity phenomenon in general or for the originality of the greek path from Society to National State, directly through hellenic anthropocentrism and not through Feudality any more.
- Identité cosmosystémique ou identité "nationale" ? Le paradigme hellénique - Georges Contogeorgis p. 106-125
- Gouverner une ville : Besançon, (1959-1989) : O. Borraz - Pierre Valarié p. 127-130
- Pauvreté urbaine. Le lien et les lieux : Antonio Cunha, Jean.-Philippe. Leresche, Isabelle Vez - Jacques de Maillard p. 131-134
- L'Europa del Sud dopo il 1945. Tradizione e modernità in Portogallo, Spagna, Italia, Grecia e Turchia : de Guido Sapelli, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli - Carlo Bacetti p. 134-135
- Romain Gary. Un itinéraire européen : Fabrice Larat - Emmanuel Négrier p. 136
Revue des revues
- Revue des revues italiennes : Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica n° 2, août 1998; Stato e mercato n° 2, août 1998. - Emmanuel Négrier p. 137-138
- Revue des revues espagnoles : Revista de Estudios Políticos n° 99, janvier/mars 1998, n° 100, avril/juin 1998, n° 101, juillet/septembre 1998; Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas n° 9, mai/août 1997. - Philippe Maffre p. 139-140
- Revue des revues anglophones : West European Politics n° 4, octobre 1998. - Mohammad-Saïd Darviche p. 141-142