Contenu du sommaire : La curation
Revue | I2D - Information, données & documents (anciennement : Documentaliste - Sciences de l'information) |
Numéro | vol. 49, no 1, 2012 |
Titre du numéro | La curation |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Nettoyage et TIC - Olivier Roumieux p. 1
- Métiers et compétences - Benoît Habert, Jean-Michel Salaün, Jean-Philippe Magué, Françoise Girard, Marion Taillefer p. 4-9
- Méthodes, techniques et outils - Stéphane Cottin, Yves Simon, Nicolas Alarcon, Karine Lespinasse-Sabourault, Marc Maisonneuve p. 10-15
- Droit de l'information - Valérie Sédallian, Émilie Masson, Frédéric Blin, Matthieu Berguig p. 16-19
La curation : entre usages individuels et pratiques professionnelles
- Présentation - p. 20-21 The library and information science sector has over the last two decades been subject to a series of reassessments. The « culprit » is of course « digital technologies » that thanks to its armed wing Internet have infiltrated all sectors of professional and leisure activity in our society and rearranged the borders between public and private spheres and between the workplace and the home. The latest symptom is « curation » which in recent months has been the object of heated debate and discussion aimed at defining its relevance and legitimacy. It was fitting that Documentaliste prepare a detailed dossier bringing together numerous actors from a variety of backgrounds. Curation goes beyond the latest fad, inviting us to examine further than the « buzz » staring us in the face. Curation, born from a marriage of profane web use and « orthodox » professional practice, has drawn our attention to the fact that it is no longer possible to remain within familiar territory. The information professional must become an explorer; may our dossier be his compass! Whether it's the future of the web or just a waste of time, you cannot remain indifferent to curation. Person to person content-sharing constitutes a massive phenomenon that the information professional cannot ignore.
- Les multiples facettes de la curation - Christophe Deschamps p. 22-23 « Avenir du Web » ou simple perte de temps, le moins que l'on puisse dire est que la curation ne laisse pas indifférent. Les pratiques de partage de contenus de personne à personne constituent en effet un phénomène massif qu'il convient de ne pas négliger en tant que professionnel de l'information.The many-sided aspects of curation Whether it's the future of the web or just a waste of time, you cannot remain indifferent to curation. Person to person content-sharing constitutes a massive phenomenon that the information professional cannot ignore.
- Enjeux et dimensions - Véronique Mesguich, Julien Pierre, Camille Alloing, Gabriel Gallezot, Alexandre Serres, Richard Peirano, Fabrice Frossard, Christophe Deschamps, Michèle Battisti, Frédéric Martinet p. 24-45 Stakes and dimensions The first part of this dossier analyzes the stakes and dimensions of curation, on the web or in an organization, and how curation is part of the classic information provision fonction. Curation is like many other buzzwords or fashionable neologisms, and since its appearance towards the end of the first decade of the 21st century, the term is the subject of numerous discussions in both the virtual and « real » worlds where it is praised as frequently as it is damned. Is curation the final artefact in processing and reprocessing a document in the digital world? Is it a new profession? an individual practice? a collective practice? This article assesses the stakes and dimensions of curation, on the web or in an enterprise, and its links with classic information retrieval.
- À l'échelle des organisations - Alain Garnier, Guillaume Guérin, Olivier Le Deuff, Christophe Deschamps, Grégoire Henrotte, Florence Blas, Camille Alloing, Éric Delcroix p. 46-59 At organizational level
The second section of this dossier is dedicated to illustrating the broad scope of curation and its different aspects in corporations and other organizations. Sometimes considered to be a time-waster at individual level, curation can become an important lever for development within companies, provided it has proper support. - Sources et ressources - Christophe Deschamps p. 60-61
- Pratiques juvéniles d'information : de l'incertitude à la sérendipité - Karine Aillerie p. 62-69 La sérendipité peut-elle être considérée comme une compétence ? À travers les propos d'une cinquantaine de collégiens et lycéens recueillis lors d'une enquête réalisée en 2008, Karine Aillerie étudie les comportements des jeunes internautes lors de leurs recherches d'information sur Internet. Loin de ressentir un sentiment d'incertitude, certains se laissent tenter par le chemin des écoliers sur les sentiers sinueux d'Internet ; d'autres au contraire ont peur de s'y perdre et n'osent s'aventurer hors des parcours balisés. Cette aptitude à accepter d'aller vers l'inconnu, à être ouvert à de nouvelles découvertes, cette ouverture à la sérendipité, raffermit ces adolescents dans une attitude de recherche plutôt que de résultats.Is serendity a skill? A 2008 survey of 50 middle and high school students forms the basis of a study of how young internet users look for information on the web. Some users will surf the web freely, while those who are less selfassured and afraid of losing their way won't venture beyond the beaten track. Being able to go towards the unknown, open to new experience and knowledge, and receptive to serendipity : these qualities reinforce the development by these adolescents of researchbased strategies rather than a results-based approach.
- Que pensez-vous de Documentaliste ? Sciences de l'information ? - Olivier Roumieux p. 70-71
- Présentation - p. 20-21
Notes de lecture
- Notes de lecture - p. 72-77