Contenu du sommaire : Le juste nom
Revue | Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident |
Numéro | no 15, 1993 |
Titre du numéro | Le juste nom |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Présentation : De l'adéquation entre noms et réalités en Chine ancienne - François Martin, Karine Chemla p. 5-10
I. Rectification des noms, action politique
- Rectification des noms et langue graphique chinoises - Léon Vandermeersch p. 11-21 Chinese rectification of names and graphic language Pertinent though it may be to explain Confucius' famous judgment on « rectification of names » in the light of political events of his time, it is best understood, in its general relevance, within the scope of the Master's thought, against the background of a significant cultural practice: the notation of annals in written language.
- Quelques aspects de la rectification des noms dans la pensée et la pratique politiques de la Chine ancienne - Jean Levi p. 23-53 Aspects of the rectification of names in Ancient China political thought and practice The Legalist thinkers, rejecting in the name of reality the sophisms of the Nominalist school - a feat which the Confucianists could not achieve - gave zheng ming a new and refined form, the xing/ming, no more the mere art of correct naming but an evaluation of behaviours (with the correlative sanctions) as a political instrument. Thus was born a new art of denominations -of which only the sovereign could misuse in order to expose flatterers - radically opposed to Confucian ethics. But Han Fei's theories were just too candidly displayed to succeed as an official teaching. Never call a spade a spade.
- Rectification des noms et langue graphique chinoises - Léon Vandermeersch p. 11-21
II. Qu'est-ce qu'un nom ?
- Théorie de la « rectification des dénominations » et réflexion linguistique chez Xunzi - Redouane Djamouri p. 54-74 The theory of « rectification of denominations » and linguistic reflections in Xunzi In his discussion of Zhengming, the Confucian Xunzi goes beyond the strictly political framework in which the question appeared and treats names as such. From a historical as well as from an epistemological point of view, he analyses the ways in which names are given to realities and brings to light some
- Théorie de la « rectification des dénominations » et réflexion linguistique chez Xunzi - Redouane Djamouri p. 54-74
III. Noms en fonctionnement
- La portée des événements. Réflexions néo-confucéennes sur la « rectification des noms » (Entretien 13.3) - Michael Lackner p. 75-87 The significance of events. Neo-confucian thoughts on the « rectification of names» (Analects 13:3) The analysis of Neo-confucian comments on the rectification of names produces a mutation as to the understanding of the term shi : if it may have been understood as « service » originally, it is later interpreted as « event ». The events prove to constitute the very kind of reality for which names have to become adequate. The paper explores the metaphysical consequences of this reassessment
- Les sons et les noms - François Martin p. 89-102 Sounds and names Ever since Cratylos, Western authors have regularly reverted to the myth of sense-containing sound. Such a belief is not to be found within Chinese linguistical/poetical theory. A Chinese Cratylos, working along different lines, would have the names reflect functional realities, and would organize them in significant correlative structures. The historical process of tone-naming, fairly well known, is an apt example thereof.
- Cas d'adéquation entre noms et réalités mathématiques : deux exemples tirés de textes chinois anciens - Karine Chemla p. 103-138 Cases of adequacy between names and mathematical realities The analysis of two examples enables us to determine the possible ways in which names and realities can be matched to each other, and the kinds of realities that are named. In the first example, what was first left without a name later receives a name. This change shows what is named and how it is named. The second case shows a terminology whose transparency reveals a structure in the situation that is studied.
- Plantes et noms, plantes sans nom dans le Zhiwu Mingshi Tukao - Georges Métailié p. 139-148 Plants and names, plants without names in the Zhiwu mingshi tukao An approach to the naming aspects in the work of the 19th century botanist Wu Qixun, some of whose views, original as they may seem within his field, reflect underlying general concepts. First, plants pertaining to different species, but with similar uses, may bear similar names. Second, new plants with no known use need not be named.
- La portée des événements. Réflexions néo-confucéennes sur la « rectification des noms » (Entretien 13.3) - Michael Lackner p. 75-87
IV. Regards extérieurs
- Or : The object of rectification and the Greek points of view - Geoffrey E. R. Lloyd p. 149-161 The author identifies three perspectives from which Chinese discussions on the rectification of names evoke similar developments in Greek antiquity : the existence of correct names (orthotēs onomatōn), on which the "Sophists" appear to be the specialists, the moral and political implications that are attached to choosing such names and the nature of their institutor. For each of these perspectives, he critically examines the relevance of such a parallel.
- Quelques remarques comparatives à partir de la tradition sémantique occidentale médiévale - Irène Rosier p. 163-169 Some comparative remarks starting from the medieval semantic tradition By constrast with the directions taken by the thinking about names in China, this article raises some of the medieval discussions on the ways of naming things, on the author of this imposition of names, and on the nature of the adequacy of names and realities and the relations between them. In contradistinction to the social or political context in which these ideas are developed in China, the theological context is emphasized in medieval Europe.
- Or : The object of rectification and the Greek points of view - Geoffrey E. R. Lloyd p. 149-161
- Résumés en français - p. 170-172
- The right name : English summaries - p. 172-174