Contenu du sommaire : Sous les nombres, le monde : Matériaux pour l'histoire culturelle du nombre en Chine ancienne
Revue | Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident |
Numéro | no 16, 1994 |
Titre du numéro | Sous les nombres, le monde : Matériaux pour l'histoire culturelle du nombre en Chine ancienne |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Présentation : Nombres et nombres - Alexeï K. Volkov p. 5-11
I. Les constitutions du nombre
- L'emploi des signes numériques dans les inscriptions Shang - Redouane Djamouri p. 12-42 Use of Numerals in Shang Inscriptions Redouane Djamouri 's paper makes a detailed analysis of the role of numerals in the grammar of archaic Chinese language. He puts forward a hypothesis according to which the formation of the system of numbers was closely connected with, and in a sense determined by, the grammatical function of numerals. His paper contains several corrections of the materials published by previous authors on the earliest written forms of numerals on oracle bones.
- Nombre et opération, chaîne et trame du réel mathématique. Essai sur le commentaire de Liu Hui sur Les neuf chapitres sur les procédures mathématiques - Karine Chemla p. 43-70 Number and Operation, Warp and Weft of Mathematical Reality Karine Chemla proposes a new interpretation of the meaning of the word shu, "number", based on several fragments of Liu Hui' s (fl.+263) commentaries on the mathematical treatise Jiu zhang suan shu. She suggests that the commentator consciously used the polyvalency of certain terms, which permitted him to apply the same general procedures to numbers as well as to algorithms. This allows her to suggest a hypothesis on general description of procedures in mathematics at that time.
- Large Numbers and Counting Rods - Alexeï K. Volkov p. 71-92 Alexeï Volkov' s paper treats the problem of the finiteness of numbers formulated in the IIIrd century (?) treatise Shu shu ji yi by Xu Yue, and commented in the VIth century by Zhen Luan. The author suggests that the treatise may have been used in the framework of debates on the Buddhist notion of reincarnation. A reference to a theoretical construction which allowed one to obtain numbers as large as desired (similar to that of Archimedes' Sand-Reckoner) is discussed, as well as the role of the counting devices in establishing a general notion of number.
- L'emploi des signes numériques dans les inscriptions Shang - Redouane Djamouri p. 12-42
II.... et ses fonctions
- Le rôle et le sens des nombres dans la cosmologie et l'alchimie taoïstes - Isabelle Robinet p. 93-120 Role and meaning of numbers in Daoist cosmology and alchemy Isabelle Robinet supplies the reader with a considerable amount of data concerning the use of numbers in texts from the Dao zang. She shows how the numbers were used symbolically and demonstrates how arithmetical operations (representation as a sum or a product of several addends or factors) allowed numbers to connect ritual and alchemical practices with Daoist cosmology in its temporal and spatial aspects.
- Celestial Cycles and Mathematical Harmonies in the Huainanzi - John S. Major p. 121-134 John Major's paper is devoted to the relationship between the calendar and the musical scale, and contains a complete translation of the excerpt from the Huainanzi (chapter 3) concerning the calculation of the lengths of standard pitchpipes. He also discusses the role played by so-called "cosmograph" or "cosmic board" (shi) in establishing correspondences between several series of calendrical data and astronomical phenomena.
- Aspects of Metrosophy and Metrology during the Han Period - Hans Ulrich Vogel p. 135-152 Hans Ulrich Vogel' s paper is on the imbedding of symbolic correlations into the system of standard measures done in the beginning of the first century A.D. by Liu Xin. He discusses in detail chapter 21 of the Han shu devoted to the system of measures, weights and capacities which leads to the construction of a cosmology based on strict numerical correspondences.
- Le rôle et le sens des nombres dans la cosmologie et l'alchimie taoïstes - Isabelle Robinet p. 93-120
III. Remarques comparatives
- Learning by Numbers - Geoffrey Lloyd p. 153-167 Geoffrey E.R. Lloyd's paper compares the topics treated by the authors in this issue on Chinese notions of number with similar topics in ancient Greece. The author is mainly based on Greek treatises of philosophy, astronomy and mathematics and also stresses the social aspects of "the science of numbers" in Greece and China.
- Learning by Numbers - Geoffrey Lloyd p. 153-167
- Résumés en français - p. 169-170
- English Summaries - p. 171-172