Contenu du sommaire : Les passions de la recherche
Revue | L'Homme et la société |
Numéro | no 115, 1er trimestre 1995 |
Titre du numéro | Les passions de la recherche |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
Les passions de la recherche
- Émotions, Investissements et Fictions - Monique Selim, Pierre Lantz p. 3-11
- Écouter-voir. L'empirisme au risque des perceptions - Numa Murard, Jean-François Laé p. 13-22 Jean-François Laé and Numa Murard, Listen-See : Empiricism in the Light of Perceptions When doing fieldwork in sociology, the researcher should not forget that he or she has a body whose position delimits perspective. In the classical oppositions between empiricism and theory, objectivity and subjectivity, and conception and perception, this physical presence is perceived as an obstacle in the search for knowledge. However, on the contrary, we face the need to develop sensory abilities as much as possible. Using a hypothesis of fieldwork carried out by a deaf researcher, and then by a blind person, it can be demonstrated that theory can be derived from the gap between discourses and practices, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the link between the words of the same discourses and the human beings who deliver them.
- Les sciences sociales aux prises avec le politique en Algérie. Parcours d'une intellectuelle - Monique Gadant p. 23-37 Monique Gadant, The Social Sciences and Politics in Algeria : The Itinerary of an Intellectual The arrival of a French professor of philosophy in October 1962 in Algeria, three months after the country's indépendance was won, reveals how being a foreigner and a woman influenced both political involvement and the modalities of research. This experience illustrates the situation within the Algerian universities in the 1960s and 70s and challenges some ideas about the role of the social sciences in relation to politics and the state.
- Chercheur surimpliqué - René Lourau p. 39-46 René Lourau, The Overly Involved Investigator The humboldtian model of the priority that should be given to research is in contradiction with universities for the masses. The interference is great between the world of science and the real world. If the passion to write can facilitate the analysis of increasingly complex questions, such an impulse or activity remains a luxury for both the teacher-scholar and the student-scholar.
- Ethnologie sous contrainte - Monique Sélim p. 47-60 Monique Sélim, Ethnology Constrained Study of social transformations during a period of transition from a planned economy to a "socialist market economy" raises the question of how to pursue anthropological research in a context of political constraint. Analysis of two state companies in conjunction with a recrudesence of the occult reveals certains relationships between individuals and the state.
- Quand le terrain prend la parole... Éléments de sociologie réflexive - Philippe Corcuff p. 61-73 Philippe Corcuff, When the Field Speaks : Towards a Reflexive Sociology Sociological survey study of a local union of CFDT railroad workers from the angle of how they react to the surveys is a reflexive approach to the relations of actors with the premises of social science. It involves a concept of appropriations linking interpretations and use. Such analysis has implications for the understanding of "reason" and its role in socio-political change.
- Le chercheur : au-delà de ses apparences - Bernard Paillard p. 75-86 Bernard Paillard, The Researcher : Beyond Appearances The selection of fields of research is intimately related to the personal histories of researchers themselves. Personality, socio-cultural influences and personal problems are important influences. The decision to engage in a sociological study of AIDS is undoubtedly the product of intellectual influences, but it is also related to motivations that are not so readily apparent.
- Motivations, sentiments et passions dans la recherche. Le cas Tocqueville - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 87-99 Louis Moreau de Bellaing, Motivations, Sentiments and Passions in Research : The Case of Tocqueville Motivations, sentiments and passions in research are individualized not only on the psychic level, but are also marked by social "objects" and are appropriated by the author.
- La même crise, de l'Est à l'Ouest ? Essai sur Pierre Naville - Pierre Rolle p. 101-118 Pierre Rolle, From East to West, the Same Crisis ? Essay on Pierre Naville Well before the fall of the USSR, Pierre Naville proposed an interpretation of the communist world and its history in the context of his analysis of productive relations in contemporary societies. For him, the creation of the USSR cannot be explained as the result of a political will or decision or as the effect of a strict determinism. The Soviet system appeared to him as a source of contradictory tensions which made its demise inevitable. The Russian Revolutions were important events in the evolution of the wage-earning class on a global level. Contemporary changes in the East as well as the West stem from the same profound crisis of productive relations, modes of mobilization and the exploitation of labor.
- Les grands récits - Ralph Samuel p. 119-134 Ralph Samuel, Grand Narratives There has never been an agreed or authorized version of the national past. Rather it has been an arena where rival interpretations and competing narratives contend. Perhaps, rather than constructing, or canvassing, ideal syllabuses, we might do better to return to some of history's older strengths, as they were exhibited in the schoolroom, the lecture hall and the library. One of the merits of school history is that it refuses the demarcations between global and British history.
Comptes rendus
- Annie Jacob, Le Travail reflet des cultures. Du sauvage indolent au travailleur productif, Paris, PUF, 1994, Coll. « Économie en liberté » - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 135-136
- Quynh Delaunay, Histoire de la machine à laver. Un objet technique dans la société française, préface de François Caron, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 1994 - Nicole Beaurain p. 136-137
- Gérard Azoulay et Jean-Claude Dillon, La sécurité alimentaire en Afrique. Manuel d'analyse et d'élaboration des stratégies, Paris, ACCT«- Karthala, 1993 - Serge Latouche p. 137-139
- Alain Brossat (éd.), Michel Foucault, les jeux de la vérité et du pouvoir, Nancy, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, coll. « Études transeuropéennes », 1994 - Ariane Lantz p. 139-140
- Ferveurs contemporaines, textes d'anthropologie urbaine offerts à Jacques Gutwirth, réunis par Colette Pétonnet et Yves Delaporte, Paris, Éditions L'Harmattan, Coll. « Connaissance des Hommes », 1993 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 141-142
- Roselyne de Villanova, Carolina Leite, Isabel Raposo, Maisons de Rêve au Portugal, Paris, éditions Creaphis, 1994, édition portugaise : Lisbonne, Salamandra, 1995 - Henri Raymond p. 142-143
- René Angelergues, L'Homme psychique, Paris, Calmann-Lévy, 1993 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 143-144
- Marita Rampazi, Daniela Scotto di Fasano, Sonno della ragione. Saggi sulla violenza a cura, Pref. S. Vegetti Finzi, Milano, Ed. dell'Arco, I993 - Gérard Namer p. 145-146
- Chapour Haghigat, L 'Amérique urbaine et l'exclusion sociale, Paris, PUF, Coll. « Politiques d'aujourd'hui », 1994 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 146
- Claire Auzias, La compagnie des Roms. Récit de voyages parmi les livres, les bidonvilles et les êtres humains, Lyon, Atelier de création libertaire, 1994 - Christiane Passevant p. 147-148
- Florence Montreynaud, Amours à vendre. Les dessous de la prostitution, Paris, Glénat 1993 - Christiane Passevant p. 148-149
- Alain Boureau, Le droit de cuissage. La fabrication d'un mythe XIIIe -XXe siècle, Paris, Albin Michel, 1995 - Ariane Lantz p. 149-150
- Hilary Wainwright, Arguments for a New Left. Answering the Free Market Right, Oxford, Blackwell, 1994 - Michael Löwy p. 150-151
- Heidrun Kaupen-Haas, Christiane Rothmaler (Hrsg.), Naturwissenschaften und Eugenik, Sozialhygiene und Public Health, Band I, Mabuse-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1994 - Ariane Lantz p. 152-153
Revue des revues
- Espaces et Sociétés, n° 76, 1994 : « Actualités de Henri Lefebvre » - Nicole Beaurain p. 154-155
- Espaces Temps, n° 47-48, 1991 : « La fabrique des sciences sociales. Lectures d'une écriture » - Nicole Beaurain p. 155-156
- Les Temps Modernes, n° 580, 50e année, janvier-mars 1995 : « Algérie. La guerre des frères » - Nicole Beaurain p. 156-157
- M, n° 76, mars-avril 1995 : « Religion et politique » - Nicole Beaurain p. 157-158
- Abstracts - p. 159-160