Contenu du sommaire
Revue |
Etudes rurales ![]() |
Numéro | no 59, 1975 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Quatre siècles de systèmes de culture dans le Kent, 1500-1900 - G. E. Fussell p. 7-33 Four Centuries of Farming Systems in Kent, 1500-1900. The story of farming in the county of Kent during the four centuries from 1500 to 1900 is one of change and fluctuating fortunes — as in other places. The great monasteries who were farmers on a large scale in the early sixteenth century were replaced in the seventeenth by progressive landowners. The county was already famous for sheep and grazed some cattle, produced some milk and dairy goods. The introduction of hop culture led to a famous industry. Fruit, both bush and tree varieties, were introduced and became famous as did market garden produce in the North of the county. Romney sheep were bred in the marshes of that name, and other breeds were kept in the Isle of Sheppey and else-where. The Weald, formerly covered with forest, was gradually reclaimed and made into smallish farms, partly because of the heavy soil, mainly arable with rather low yields. The essay attempts to describe the methods of the farmers as they changed and were improved by new inventions, new crops that were introduced, and better ways of breeding, keeping and feeding domestic animals; and the economic and other difficulties that had to be overcome. It would be impossible here to set out all the events that are recorded in the essay. where. The Weald, formerly covered with forest, was gradually reclaimed and made into smallish farms, partly because of the heavy soil, mainly arable with rather low yields. The essay attempts to describe the methods of the farmers as they changed and were improved by new inventions, new crops that were introduced, and better ways of breeding, keeping and feeding domestic animals; and the economic and other difficulties that had to be overcome. It would be impossible here to set out all the events that are recorded in the essay.
- Le latifundium traditionnel au Pérou jusqu'en 1914. Marginalisation et résistance - Jean Piel p. 35-50 Traditional Latifundium in Peru until 1914. Marginalisation and Resistance. Mostly because they exclusively insist on the formal opposition between latifundium and minifundium, the studies produced in France dealing with the agrarian structures of Latin America conceal in fact the responsibilities of agrarian capitalism in the blockage of this dualistic structure of the land. What has happened to the traditional or archaic Peruvian latifundia since the end of the nineteenth century, in this respect is very significant. Reduced to a marginal status, through the technical and financial rise of the large capitalistic land estates, they remain however necessary to these estates as land, water and labour reserves ; and still more, as intermediate land institutions able to control the inland masses of the Andean Indian and half-breed peasantry. Between the nineteenth and twentieth century, in order to resist competition from modern capitalistic sector, the traditional Peruvian latifundia reacted by aggravating the exploitation and pauperisation of Indian communities. Such a reaction reflects, in its own way, the laws of unequal economic growth. The true responsibility of the pre-capitalistic development of the latifundia, which takes place in the Peruvian Andes at the beginning of the nineteenth century, can be found in the pressure brought upon the traditional latifundia by agrarian capitalism itself.
- Réforme agraire et révolution dans le Chili d'Allende - Cristóbal Kay p. 51-71 Agrarian Reform and Revolution in Attende's Chile. The article argues that Popular Unity's agrarian policy reflects the limitations and contradictions of its strategy to power. Although Allende's agrarian reform was extensive, drastic and rapidly executed, it nevertheless limited the peasantry's contribution to the revolutionary struggle for power. The article starts by briefly examining the rural legacy left by the Christian Democrat government of Frei to the Popular Unity and presenting the agrarian programme of Allende. It proceeds with an analysis of peasant mobilisation and organisation, focusing on land seizures and peasants councils. Then it studies the organisation and functioning of the expropriated latifundia (reformed sector) and analyses why socialist relations of production failed to develop. Finally it attempts an assessment of Popular Unity's agrarian policy in the light of the failure of the revolutionary forces to capture power and initiate a transition to socialism in Chile.
- La Révolution et les luttes des métayers - Serge Aberdam p. 73-91 The Revolution and the Struggle of Share-Farmers. The results of a systematic inventory of tithe-levying conflicts between the common people and the clergy, and between landowners and share-farmers in the South-Western province of Gascogne, is given as a contribution to the study of the pre-revolutionary period; we find in it an analysis of the material causes that were instrumental in the radical dechristianisation process, and precisions as to the nature of social conflicts in the village context under the Old Régime. The article also shows how, after 1789, the landowners impropriated the tithes that had supposedly been abolished, and documents the attempts of Gascogne share-farmers to oppose salary limitations and the concentration of ground rent. It recounts certain historically contingent victories gained by share-farmers in the years 1793-1794, but also the reaction that ensued and its long term consequences for Gascony and more speciflcally, for the peasantry of the Gers department.
Notes et commentaires
- Histoire de l'agriculture européenne - François Sigaut p. 93-95
- L'Atlas des structures agraires au sud du Sahara - Jean-Pierre Raison p. 97-102
- Histoire de l'agriculture européenne - François Sigaut p. 93-95
Chronique scientifique
- La technologie de l'agriculture. Terrain de rencontre entre agronomes et ethnologues - François Sigaut p. 103-111
- La technologie de l'agriculture. Terrain de rencontre entre agronomes et ethnologues - François Sigaut p. 103-111
Comptes rendus
- P. Gourou, Pour une géographie humaine. - Amouretti M.-C. p. 113-114
- B. Leys et H. Everaet, La diffusion des innovations en agriculture ; Frank Cancian, Change and Uncertainty in a Peasant Economy. The Maya Corn Farmers of Zinacantan. - Sigaut François p. 114-116
- C. L. Ten Cate, Wan God mast gift... Bilder aus der Geschichte der Schweinezucht im Walde. - Sigaut François p. 116-117
- Centre de la Méditerranée moderne et contemporaine, « L'ankylose de l'économie méditerranéenne au XVIIIe siècle et au début du XIXe siècle : le rôle de l'agriculture » - Sigaut François p. 117-118
- Allan Hoben, Land Tenure among the Amhara of Ethiopia. The Dynamics of Cognatic Descent. - Bureau J. p. 118-120
- Arnold Strickon & Sidney M. Greenfield, Structure and Process in Latin America. Patronage, Clientage and Power Systems. - Lavaud Jean-Pierre p. 120-121
- Michael Anderson, Family Structure in the Nineteenth Century Lancashire. - Segalen Martine p. 121-123
- David Hey, An English Rural Community, Myddle under the Tudors and Stuarts. - Segalen Martine p. 123-124
- P. Gourou, Pour une géographie humaine. - Amouretti M.-C. p. 113-114
Notes bibliographiques
- Colin Clark, The Value of Agricultural Land. - Sigaut François p. 125
- François Dagognet, Des révolutions vertes. Histoire et principes de l'agronomie. - Sigaut François p. 125-126
- Science, 188, 4188, 9 May 1975, special issue : « Food and Nutrition » - Izard Michel p. 126
- Frederick C. Gamst, Peasants in Complex Society. - Segalen Martine p. 126
- Jean Robinet, Paysans d'Europe. - Livet Roger p. 127
- Centre international de liaison des organismes de propagande en faveur des produits de la vigne, « Colloque sur la muséologie de la vigne et du vin », Bulletin d'Information - Amouretti M.-C. p. 127-128
- Hermann Gleisberg, « Die Kasten- oder Gestellmühle », Agrártörténeti Szemle (Historia Rerum Rusticarum) - Sigaut François p. 128
- H. Everaet, La situation sociale de la fermière : sa participation au travail de l'exploitation. - Sigaut François p. 128-129
- Placide Rambaud, avec la collaboration de A. Carof et R.-M. Lagrave, « La politique à l'égard des agriculteurs âgés. Un aspect : l'indemnité viagère de départ ». - Segalen Martine p. 129
- Marie-Geneviève Durand, « Le Bas-Embrunais, possibilités d'aménagement ». - Livet Roger p. 129-130
- Daniel Fabre et Jacques Lacroix, Aspects des collectivités rurales en domaine occitan. Etude anthropologique en pays de Sault. - Segalen Martine p. 130
- Maurice Robert, « Bibliographie des études intéressant le milieu rural en Limousin, 1962-1971 ». - Lavaud Jean-Pierre p. 130
- Estyn E. Evans, The Personality of Ireland. Habitat, Heritage and History. - Segalen Martine p. 130-131
- Historical Farm Records. A Summary Guide to Manuscripts and Other Material in the University Library Collected by the Institute of Agricultural History and the Museum of English Rural Life. ; Warren 0. Ault, Open- Field Farming in Medieval England. A Study of Village By-Laws. - Sigaut François p. 131-132
- Cahiers des Amériques latines. - Caillier-Boisvert Colette p. 132
- « Villes et régions en Amérique latine », Cahiers des Amériques latines - Caillier-Boisvert Colette p. 132
- William B. Taylor, Landlord and Peasant in Colonial Oaxaca. - Segalen Martine p. 132-133
- Edward Dew, Politics in the Altiplano. The Dynamic of Change in Rural Peru. - Lavaud Jean-Pierre p. 133
- Colin Clark, The Value of Agricultural Land. - Sigaut François p. 125
- Bulletin de l'association des ruralistes français - Daniel Fabre p. 135-142
- Resumes/Abstracts - p. 143-146