Contenu du sommaire
- Anthropological Currents - p. 167-168
- Current Applications - Wayman E. R. p. 169
- The Regeneration of Life: Neolithic Structures of Symbolic Remembering and Forgetting - Kuijt I. p. 171-197
- Necro-Utopia: The Politics of Indistinction and the Aesthetics of the Non-Soviet - Yurchak A. p. 199-224
- Life and Times of Magda A: Telling a Story of Violence in South Africa - Fassin D., Le Marcis F., Lethata T. p. 225-246
- Time to Destroy: An Archaeology of Supermodernity - González-Ruibal A. p. 247-279
- Food Globalization and Local Diversity: The Case of Tejate - Soleri D., Cleveland D.A. , Aragón Cuevas F. p. 281-290
- Are Biological Species and Higher-Ranking Categories Real? Fish Folk Taxonomy on Brazil's Atlantic Forest Coast and in the Amazon - Begossi A., Clauzet M., Figueiredo J. L., Garuana L., Lima R. V., Lopes P. F., Ramires M., Silva A.L., Silvano R.A.M. p. 291-306
- When Natural Selection Favors Imitation of Parents - McElreath R., Strimling P. p. 307-316
- Lithic Technology and the Cultural Identity of Early Mesolithic Groups - Perdaen Y, Crombé P., Sergant J. p. 317-327
- When Past and Present Collide: The Ethics of Archaeological Stewardship - Shoup D., Monteiro L. p. 328-333
- Books. The Manchester School: Practice and Ethnographic Praxis in Anthropology. Edited by T. M. S. Elvers and Don Handelman, 2006 - Colson E. p. 335-337
- Books. The Ape in the Tree: An Intellectual and Natural History of Proconsul. By Alan Walker and Pat Shipman, 2005 - Hlusko L.J. p. 337-338
- Books. Jane Goodall: The Woman Who Redefined Man. By Dan Peterson, 2006 - Sicotte P. p. 338-339
- Books. Wondrous Curiosities: Ancient Egypt at the British Museum. By Stephanie Moser, 2006 - Reid D.M. p. 339-340
- Books. In Pursuit of Ancient Pasts: A History of Classical Archaeology in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. By Stephen L. Dyson, 2006 - Marchand S. p. 340-342
- Books. Breaking Ground: Pioneering Women Archaeologists. Edited by Getzel M. Cohen and Martha Sharp Joukowsky, 2004 - Arnold B. p. 342-343
- Books. Cent ans d'Ethnographie sur la colline de Saint-Nicolas, 1904-2004. Edited by Marc-Olivier Gonseth, Jacques Hainard, and Roland Kaehr, 2005 - Sherman D.J. p. 343-345
- Books. From Racism to Genocide: Anthropology in the Third Reich. By Gretchen E. Schafft, 2004 - Fuchs B. p. 345-346
- Books. Empire of Nations: Ethnographic Knowledge and the Making of the Soviet Union. By Francine Hirsch, 2005 - Oushakine S. p. 346-348
- Books. Travelling Passions: The Hidden Life of Vilhjahnur Stefansson. By Gish Passion, 2005 - Burch Jr. E.S. p. 348-349
- Books. Edward P. Dozier: The Inconsistency of the American Indian Anthropologist. By Marilyn Norcini, 2007 - Singer B.R. p. 349-350
- Books. A Escola de Anthropologia de Coimbra, 1885-1950: O que sinifica seguir uma regra cientifica? By Gonçalo Duro dos Santos, 2005 - Porto N. p. 350-351
- Books. Missionaries of the State: The Summer Institute of Linguistics, State Formation, and Indigenous Mexico, 1935-1985. By Todd Hartch, 2006 - Rutsch M. p. 351-352
- Books. Historicizing Canadian Anthropology. Edited by Julia Harrison and Regna Darnell, 2006 - Cruikshank J. p. 353-354