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Revue |
Journal of Anthropological Research ![]() |
Numéro | Vol. 62, no 2, 2006 |
- Robert S. Santley: October 6, 1948 - March 23, 2006 - Straus L.G. p. 161-162
- William White Howells & Nicholas Shackleton - Strauss L.G. p. 163-164
- From spears to M-16s : Testing the Imbalance of Power Hypothesis among the Enga - Wiessner P. p. 165-191
- Large-scale reservoir construction and political centralization a Case Study from Ancient Korea - Kang B.W. p. 193-216
- Cultural borders, hybridization, and a sense of boundaries in Thailand, Mexico, and Israel - Shimoni B. p. 217-234
- The many manipulations of morty mouse: Children's stories and the parental encouragement of altruism - Palmer C.T., Wright J., Wright S.A., Cassidy C., VanPool T.L., Coe K. p. 235-257
- Book Reviews. The cultured chimpanzee: Reflections on cultural primatology, by William McGrew, 2004 - Hunt K.D. p. 261-262
- Book Reviews. Virtual reconstruction: A primer in computer-assisted paleontology and biomedicine, by Christoph P. E. Zollikofer and Marcia S. Ponce de León, 2005 - Frost S.R. p. 263-364
- Book Reviews. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers, Richard B. Lee and Richard Daly, eds., 2004 - Walker R.S. p. 264-266
- Book Reviews. The old world paleolithic and the development of a national collection, by Michael Petraglia and Richard Potts, 2004 - White R. p. 266-268
- Book Reviews. Comportement des hommes du paléolithique Moyen et Supérieur en Europe : Territoires et milieux, by Denis Vialou, Josette Renault-Miskovsky, and Marylène Patou-Mathis, eds., 2005 - Straus L.G. p. 268-270
- Book Reviews. The cradle of humanity: Prehistoric art and culture, Stuart Kendall, ed., 2005 - Bahn P.G. p. 271-272
- Book Reviews. Arte rupestre en la communidad Valenciana, Rafael Martínez Valle, ed., 2005 - Straus L.G. p. 272-275
- Book Reviews. The mesolithic of the Atlantic façade: Proceedings of the Santander symposium, Manuel R. González Morales and Geoffrey A. Clark, eds., 2004 - Lubell D. p. 276-277
- Book Reviews. The Hoko River archaeological site complex: The Rockshelter(45CA21), 1,000-100 BP, by Dale R. Croes, 2005 - Moss M.L. p. 278-279
- Book Reviews. The Island Chumash: Behavioral ecology of a maritime society, by Douglas J. Kennett, 2005 - Gamble L.H. p. 279-282
- Book Reviews. The exploitation and cultural importance of sea mammals, Gregory G. Monks, ed., 2005 - Steele T.E. p. 282-283
- Book Reviews. Indigenous use and management of marine resources, Nobuhiro Kishigami and James M. Savelle, eds., 2005 - Osborn A.J. p. 284-286
- Book Reviews.La Joyanca (La Libertad, Guatemala): Antigua ciudad Maya del Noroeste del petén, by Marie-Charlotte Arnauld, Véronique Breuil-Martínez, and Erick Ponciano Alvarado, 2004 - Ahlfeldt J.F. p. 286-287
- Book Reviews.Ancient maya commoners, by Jon C. Lohse and Fred Valdez, Jr., 2004 - Harrison P.D. p. 288-290
- Book Reviews.The offerings of the templo mayor of Tenochtitlan, revised edition by Leonardo López Luján, 2005 - Geller P.L. p. 290-291
- Book Reviews. Advances in Titicaca basin archaeology 1, Charles Stanish, Amanda B. Cohen, and Mark S. Aldenderfer, eds., 2005 - Valdez L.M. p. 292-294
- Book Reviews.Gulf coast archaeology: The Southeastern United States and Mexico, Nancy Marie White, ed., 2005 - Sassaman K.E. p. 294-295
- Book Reviews. Mimbres painted pottery: Revised edition, by J. J. Brody, 2005 - Mills B.J. p. 296-297
- Book Reviews.Painted by a distant hand: Mimbres pottery from the American Southwest, by Steven A. LeBlanc, 2005 - Schafer H. p. 297-298
- Book Reviews.Tall woman: The life story of Rose Mitchell, a Navajo woman, c. 1874-1977, Charlotte J. Frisbie, ed., 2001 ; Navajo blessingway singer: The Autobiography of Frank Mitchell, 1881-1967, Charlotte Johnson Frisbie and David Park McAllester, eds., 2003 - Joe J.R. p. 299-301
- Book Reviews. Callaloo nation: Metaphors of race and religious identity among South Asians in Trinidad, by Aisha Khan, 2004 - Mohammed P. p. 301-303
- Book Reviews. Ties that bind: The story of an Afro-Cherokee family in slavery and freedom, by Tiya miles, 2005 - Garroutte E.M. p. 303-304